Tag Archives: naughty

Story: Life with Paradox – Chapter 5


With their cottage now under repair, Paradox and Silver are staying at Fluttershy and Discord’s cottage.

Paradox looked at himself in the mirror. “You don’t think I look like a monster?” He asked Silver as he put his paw on one of his horns.

Silver walked to him. “Doxy. You look like you. I love you.” She leaned against him.

He looked at her and smiled showing that he had two large fangs where he didn’t have any before. “I love you too.

“Let’s go to bed, I’m tired, we had a long day.” She whispered.

“It’s weird going to bed in my old bedroom.” He said. “Last time I was in this bed… was before we moved to Canterlot.” He got into the bed and moved over for her.

She joined him in the bed and giggled because it wasn’t a very big bed. She smiled as she snuggled up against him. “Cozy.”smallbed

He pet down her back with his paw and sighed. “Very cozy.” He closed his eyes as he pet her, running his fingers through her delicate feathers.

“So, you never did anything except sleep in this bed?” She asked innocently.

He opened his eyes. “Yes. I slept and sometimes thought about girls, I am a guy. I didn’t get a lot of privacy though. Two sisters.”

“Now you have a brother.” She said as she moved a little bit.

“Yes, and I also have a wife wiggling against me.” He moved over more thinking he was taking up too much room. He was surprised though when she got up and straddled him. He blinked as he looked up at her. “Hello.”

Silver smiled. “Hello.” She whispered back. “I want to break in this bed.”

He grinned at her. “Oh, do you?”

She nodded as she wiggled on his hips. “Also you’ve changed a little bit physically and I need to make sure everything is in perfect working order.”

“I don’t know…” He started to say. “Oh… Silver…” He let out a breath as she rubbed her hooves over his growing arousal.

She moved her hooves on his sheath and his arousal grew and she started to blush at his size. He had grown a couple more inches. She looked up at him and tried to not to let him be aware of his size. She leaned over him and moved up on his chest to look into his eyes. “Doxy… let me ride you.”doxsilverlove

He grabbed her hips as she wiggled on him. “You can ride me, but be warned; I buck.”

She grinned as she sat up. “I’ll be sure to be careful.” She raised up on her hips as she grabbed his cock and slowly rubbed him over her folds.

He let out a deep breath. “Silver, you feel so wet.”

“All the better to feel you… ah. Mmm.” She gasped as she pushed down on him. His girth spreading her folds slowly. “Doxy, you are so big.”

He panted at the feel of her. “You’ve gotten tighter.” He moaned as he rubbed her flanks with his paws. “Ahh…mmm.”

She shook as she pushed down on him he felt so big felt so good she shuddered as she felt her orgasm peak and flow around him. She panted in pleasure and she hadn’t even started to ride him fully.

“Silver? Did you just?” He whispered.

She nodded as her face was flush. “Yes, you made me… ah gods Doxy!” She shook as he pushed up into her and she came again.

“The ride is over before it starts… not when I’m involved.” He growled softly as he pulled her against his chest keeping himself buried inside he kissed her gently on the lips as he moved her up his chest and he started to push and pull into her heat.

As she lay on his chest and looked in his eyes she panted in pleasure. “Yes! Oh… yes Doxy.”

“Silver oh… so tight so hot. I… cannot…” He moved faster thrusting into her heat.

“Oh. Oh yes. Please… Paradox!” She felt another orgasm overwhelm her and she shuddered on top of him.

He held her tightly as he pushed into her deep, pushing past her cervix and pumping his hot desires into her. “Oh… Silver…” He was panting hard as he held her against him.

She snuggled into his chest fur feeling very fulfilled and satisfied. “Mmm I love you.”

“I love you.” He whispered as he moved his paws onto her back. “You’re amazing.”

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapters 126 NC-17 For Wedding Night Fun


Paradox had Silver in his arms. She was snuggled up against him as he approached the cottage that his father had rented for them. “Silver look at this place.”

Silver looked up and gasped. “Oh it’s like a little fairy tale cottage. How romantic.”

Paradox suddenly smiled. “You’re my little red riding hood; I’ll be your big bad wolf.”

She blushed as she giggled. “Doxy, oh my goodness.”

He growled softly as he kissed her. The key to the cottage appeared and unlocked the door. The door opened and he walked into the cottage still carrying his bride. The door closed magically. “Mmm Silver.” He pulled from the kiss. “Let’s have fun.”

She giggled as she looked at him. “You know, I have to take the wedding dress off first.”

“Yes, the puzzle dress.” He said as he let her down.

“Doxy, it’s not that puzzling.” She trotted quickly into another room.

“Hey. I thought I’d watch you.”

“No. I’ve a surprise for you.” She said. “Go to the bedroom. I’ll be there soon.”

Paradox grinned as he went to the bedroom, he saw the bed and his grin widened. It was a large comfortable bed, he quickly got undressed and jumped up on the bed. He was hard with anticipation and he tried hard not to give himself some relief as he waited for his bride. “Silver, your husband is waiting.” He growled.

“I’m on my way.” She said softly.

His ears perked up when he heard her hoof steps on the hard wood floors. “I hear you.”

She pushed the door open. “Hello Doxy.”

Paradox’s eyes widened as he looked at her. She had on silk white stockings that were clipped on to a garter belt. She had a fine lacy corset on that matched her lacy delicate panties. She looked at him with her bedroom eyes. He had his mouth agape. “Hurr… Gah!” He managed to say.

“Do I look alright?” She asked him.howdoilook

He nodded his head slowly as he bit on his bottom lip. “Yes. You’re smoking hot.” He was throbbing painfully as he watched her walk up to the bed.

She turned around to model for him. “I thought you’d like this.” She said as she slowly flapped her wings and rose from the floor to delicately land on the bed.

He was itching to just grab her and make her moan in pleasure. “I like… I want… look at what you’re doing to me.”

Silver looked at him and smiled. “Mmm, you look like you need something. Let me kiss you.” She leaned over and kissed his tip.

“Uhhh… oh gods Silver.” He moaned out as he grabbed her. “Come here. I know how to get those off of you.”

Silver giggled as he started to nibble on her neck and moved his paw down her side. He slowly put his claw around one of the delicate laces of her corset and untied it slowly. He pulled the corset from her and dropped it to the floor. He then moved his paw down to her garter and un-clipped her silk stockings from it. He licked down her neck, as he used all his will-power to just un-clip her garter belt which joined the corset on the floor. He let out a low growl as he rubbed his paw down her back leg moving one finger along her silk stocking. Silver gasped at the feel of his tender touches. It was making her feel hot and extremely damp. “Ah… Mm Doxy…” She whispered.

He continued to move his paw down her leg, slowly pulling her stockings from one leg, then the other. He was breathing heavily as he continued to kiss and nuzzle her neck. “Silver… so beautiful.”

She gasped as she felt his paw move up between her legs and rubbed his finger against her lacy panties. He rubbed on them and felt her dampness upon the lace. “Ah…” She panted.

“Someone excited?” He whispered as he rubbed his fingers on her panties. He pushed them aside and pushed his fingers into her heat. “Hmm, yes… you are… Mm, I need you.”

She let out a small whimpering needful noise as she felt his fingers rub and move deeply into and then pull out to rub against her hard button. “I… need you too.” She panted deeply as she shook with the feel of him giving her pleasure with his fingers.

He moved down kissing along her neck as he moved his other paw down and pulled her panties slowly off of her. “Silver you are so wet… I’m about to pass out from my desire for you!” He confessed as he pulled her to him.nibbles

Silver made a soft squeak as he growled at her and mounted her swiftly. He kissed her neck as he pushed his hot need deeply into her.

“Oh! Paradox!” She shuddered in pleasure as he pushed into her deeply. “You’re so hard… feel so good.”

Paradox growled aggressively as he nuzzled into her mane and bit down gently around her shoulder and near the base of her right wing. He felt her sex tighten around him and he shook at the feeling. “Mmm, tight… Oh… so tight.” He moaned as he spread out his wings.

She huffed out as he bit her, her body felt electrified from the pleasure. “Please Doxy… harder please.”

His ears went forward as he heard her and he wasn’t sure if that is what she asked. “You… want what?” He asked as he thrust into her and pulled slowly reveling in the tightness of her.

“Please… Doxy…” She panted. “Harder… make… love to me harder.”

He moaned. “Yes, anything for my love…” He nibbled along her mane as he started to push into her harder and rougher.

“Oh! Yes!” She groaned out loudly.

Paradox felt her tighten and flutter around his shaft as she hit orgasm  and tightened around him. “Ffff! Oh gods Silver!” He groaned as he started to push hard and fast into her. He moved his hips and pushed in deeper until he started to hit up against her cervix.

Silver gasped at the feel of him hitting her cervix, she let out a shuddering moan of desire as she hit another orgasm. “Ah! Oh! Dox… Oh my! Oh… oh… oh…. I’m gonna cum again!’ She shook under him her whole body shivered from pleasure and she had an orgasm one after the other.

“Silver…” He moaned as he felt her tighten around him in pleasure. “I’m about to… Oh AH!” He pushed in hard and deep as he released his desire and seed deeply into her spraying against her cervix and filling her up. “Hh… Oh gods… Oh mm…”

She moaned out in total pleasure as he pumped into her. He kept himself buried in her as he licked up her neck and kissed her. “Doxy… you feel so good.”

“You’re heavenly…” He panted against her neck as he moved his hips, grinding against her to revive himself. With each movement he grew harder. “I… need to make love to you all night.”

“Oh my love.” Silver purred in pleasure as he started to make love to her again.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 122 (NC-17)


‘Silver is so beautiful why would she even want me? Oh she’s right next to me looking at me, oh I’m so scared, and I’m going to start freaking out. I’m going to…’ the thoughts ran through Paradox’s mind quickly.

Luna spread out her wings and smiled. “We are gathered here to unite two souls. Who is giving this lovely bride away?”

“I am.” Big Mac answered. He looked at Paradox. “Ya take care of her.” Paradox nodded.

There was a loud bawling from the front row of the seating. Every pony looked and saw Rainbow Dash bawling while Rarity pat her on the back. “Darling you’re making a scene.”

“My little girl!” Rainbow Dash cried. “She is so beautiful! Waaah!”

Silver grinned then whispered. “Mom… geez.”

“Okay, I’m okay.” Rainbow Dash muttered as she sniffled and Big Mac went to sit down next to her. She leaned on him and started to sniffle again. “Mac! Our daughter’s getting married!” She started crying again as she hugged him.

He patted Rainbow Dash. “Eeyup. Calm down Dash.”

Apple Jack leaned forward because she was sitting behind them. “How come ya’ll kept this a secret from me?” She whispered.

“You never asked.” Rainbow Dash whispered in between sobs.

“Ahem.” Luna continued. “These two lovely young souls are committed to be wed this lovely evening, Young Lord Paradox and Young Lieutenant Silver Dash.” She smiled at both of them. “If there is a pony who thinks these two should not be wed thou shall speak now, or be forever silent.”

Discord sat up and looked at the audience menacingly. No pony said anything.

Silver was looking at Paradox and he was looking at her. She saw him shaking slightly but he stared at her intently with his deep azure eyes. She was marrying him, she’ll wake up next to him, hug him and kiss him daily. She loved him so much.

Paradox was shaking so much. He shook his paws a bit because he felt sweaty in between his pads. He looked at her as she stood there and saw her eyes, she was looking into his. Her eyes beautiful pools of silver and magenta. He wanted to kiss her, he needed to kiss her.

Luna smiled and looked at Paradox. “Do thou Paradox take Silver to be your wife?”

Paradox blinked when he realized that Luna was talking to him. “Huh?”

Luna tried not to giggle. “Do thou take Silver to be your wife?”

“Oh! Gods yes! How can I not? She’s smoking hot!” He said.

Luna’s eyes widened. “Hmm, well then ye said yes.” She looked at Silver Dash. “Do thou take Paradox to be your husband?”

Silver blushed as she nodded. “Yes. I do.”

“The rings?” Luna said.

Crispin handed Paradox the ring, and Sprinkle Icing gave Silver a ring.

“The exchanging of rings to bind the souls together, to symbolize their bond. The circle is to represent the eternal love they have for one another. These two souls have consented to the arrangements of the ceremony we give all in attendance; Mr. and Mrs. Paradox. Mare and Draconequus. Ye can kiss thou’s wife.” Luna stepped back.

Paradox pulled Silver to him and kissed her deeply.weddingkissSilver melted into his kiss as he pulled her close to him. It was as if they were the only two in the room. She didn’t hear the noise of ponies cheering all she cared about was he was now her husband. When they stopped kissing he just looked into her eyes and smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She whispered back as she blushed. “My Doxy.”

He leaned up to her ear. “I cannot begin to tell you how pent up I am. Gods…”

She blushed. “Oh my goodness Doxy. We still have to go to the ballroom for the reception.”

He grinned at her. “Hmm, I know.”

The wedding procession started to file out of the throne room and Paradox was becoming anxious. He glanced at his father.

Discord smiled at his son. He made a motion with his paw and claw as if he was lifting something and he jogged in place. Paradox blinked. Discord sighed; he disappeared and then reappeared on Paradox’s shoulder dressed as an angel and in a miniature size. “Pick up your wife and run for it.” He said.

“What? Why?” Paradox asked.

“Dox, do I need to draw you a picture?” He asked as he pointed at Silver Dash. “Pick up your wife and disappear then show up in the ballroom later.”

“Oh… OH!” He grinned as he picked Silver up. Discord disappeared from his shoulder.

“Doxy! What’re you doing?” Silver giggled.

“I’m taking you.” He said as they disappeared and then reappeared at his old bedroom. His bed was made as he walked her over to it and set her down on it.

“Taking me?” She asked him.

“Oh yes. You’re my wife.” He whispered to her. “I just want to… start the honeymoon early.”

She smiled at him. “Doxy, I’m in my wedding dress, I don’t want to ruin it.”

“I’ll be careful. I…” He looked at the dress and tilted his head. “How do I get it off of you?”

She started to giggle. “After we go to the reception I’ll take it off for you.”

“Aww, Silver, you’re teasing me.” He muttered. “I want you bad.”

“Believe me Doxy, I want you too, but it’s not good to avoid your own party. I’ll make it up to you.” She motioned him over to her.

He got closer to her. “Yes?”

She took her hoof and pulled his tuxedo pants down to reveal his arousal. “Oh, is that for me?” She asked.

Paradox nodded as he looked down at her. “Yes. Silver, I ache just to be in you. Oh gods…” He moaned out when she rubbed her hot tongue on his tip.

Silver opened her mouth more as she rubbed her tongue slowly over his tip and then down his shaft, she kissed him softly then took him gently into her mouth.

“Uhh, mmm, gods Silver.” He shuddered as he thrust his hips to her, pushing himself deeper into her hot mouth.SFT

She looked up at him as she sucked him into her mouth and pulled back letting him push into her mouth again. Her tongue caressed rubbing over and around his shaft as she slowly pulled back sliding him out and slowly sucked him back in.

He was panting with pleasure as she worked her mouth over him. Every sensation of her tongue causing a shock of pleasure through his body. “Oh, I’m going to burst.” He moaned out and looked down at her.

She opened her mouth as she licked his tip again rubbing her tongue around his head and over the ridge of the tip she lapped up the precum and closed her mouth around him again.

“Uhh… Silver your mouth… ah.” He shuddered all over. Every nerve in his body was ultra-sensitive and he jolted when she took him deeply into her throat and ran her tongue along the bottom of him as she pulled back. She started to move her mouth as to stimulate him thrusting into her. He knew the pattern and started to push and pull on his own as his orgasm built up.

She let him take over but she continued to move her tongue around and against him, letting him push into her deep as she felt him swell, she relaxed her throat as he panted and moved faster.

Paradox placed his paw on her head. “Oh… uhh… ffff… Silver!” He growled as he pushed deeply into her muzzle and released his pent up desires.

Silver started to swallow his heated desires tasting him as he emptied into her mouth and down her throat. When he was done she pulled back still swallowing him and slowly cleaning his member with her tongue. “Do you feel less pent up?” She asked him as she licked her lips.

“Oh yes…” He moaned as he looked at his beautiful bride. “I think I can cope until later.”