Tag Archives: Luna

Story: Life with Paradox – Chapter 43


The playground was fairly crowded and Zero was sitting on the bench watching as his daughter Rune Eclipse played in a sandbox. He watched as she blinked her golden eyes at another filly walking by her; she didn’t smile or make a sound she just watched the filly walk by. Zero suddenly blinked when he saw Paradox step up beside him. “Hello Dox. What brings you here? Don’t you have acting to do?”

Paradox walked over and sat next to his brother in law. “What is new Zero?”

Zero looked down at the ground after glancing at his daughter to be sure she was safe. “Nothing is new, except that Discord has started to teach Rune magic.”sadzero

“What?” Paradox gasped. “Why are you letting him do that?”

Zero shook his head as he shrugged. “I cannot teach her magic. Lilly isn’t here to… teach her either.” He swallowed. “I must have… made her leave… I did something wrong. I ran her away.” He suddenly looked up at his brother-in-law. “You know where she is! I think you should tell me. I need her back Dox.”

Paradox stood up. “I don’t… Zero, I don’t know where Lilly is, I think dad knows but he won’t talk to me. Every time I even try to ask about her… I feel so angry at him.” He looked over at the sand box and saw Rune pick up a bucket of sand and pour it in a small tin plate. The plate tin started to glow red as it hovered and poured back into the bucket. She suddenly looked over at them, she smiled and stood up quickly as she suddenly beat her wings and flew over to them.

“Uncle Doxy!” Rune squealed as she flew over and landed clumsily in her uncle’s arms. “Doxy. Dox! Doxy!”

“Rune.” Paradox said as he hugged his niece. “You’re flying better.”littlerune

“Tank you. Da helps me. Grandspa is teaching me magics! He’s teachin’ Snafie too.” She talked quickly as her little wings flapped. “Will you teach me how to paints one day?”

“I will, after I teach Solana and Selene. You’ve gotten big, reminds me of your mom a lot. Beautiful, smart, that thick black and dark blue mane.” He pet down her mane softly and then put her down on the bench next to Zero. He got on his knees and looked at Zero and Rune. “I’ll do what I can to find out what happened to Lilly.”

Rune tilted her head slightly. “I will find out Uncle Doxy. Da and I miss mama. She was beautiful and had stars in her mane.”

Zero looked at Rune. “Rune Bug? You remember her?”

“Yes Da. Mama is beautiful. At night… Princess Luna tells me about her as I sleep.” Rune leaned against Zero. “She says I have ta remembers my Mama, because I can bring her backs one day… maybe.”

Paradox pet her mane. “It’s good to dream little one. Thanks for being on my side.”

“I love you Uncle Doxy.” Rune beamed as she flapped her wings again. “When can I play with Selene and Solana? I think we’d have fun playing. I wanna show them how I make stars shine in the sand.”

“You make stars shine in sand?” Paradox asked.

She nodded. “Yes, watch.” She frowned as the slightly crooked horn on her forehead started to glow red. The bucket of sand floated from the sand box and floated over to them, Rune put her hooves up and held the bucket and looked in it. “See.” Her horn glowed again and the sand turned black and little lights started to emerge from the sand. Both Paradox and Zero gasped at the sight. The lights twinkled and shone briefly then faded as quickly as they appeared. Rune suddenly yawned. “Sorry… that make me sleepy.” She wrinkled her nose and yawned again. “Da… I need to go home.”

Zero nodded as he picked her up and started to flap his wings. “Ok Rune, you need your nap.” He looked at Paradox. “Take care Dox, if I learn anything new… I’ll let you know. Rune likes to make up stories about Lilly, sometimes I wish they were true stories.”

Paradox stood up. “I wouldn’t make light of her dreams Zero… You know as well as I do that dreams can change instantly.” He looked at Rune. “Take care Rune. I love you always.”

“I love you Uncle Doxy and Auntie Silvie too.” Rune said as she yawned and nuzzled against Zero’s chest.

Story: Life with Paradox – Chapter 27


Silver and Paradox were behind the curtains of the palace west wing. Paradox held Silver tightly to him as they kissed deeply. He moved his paw up her back as he gripped her rump with his other paw.

Silver kissed him deeply her tongue intertwined with his as she hugged his neck. She wanted him so badly tonight, she wondered if it was the food, but during dinner he kept teasing her putting his paw between her legs and giving her a mischievous grin.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia talked about Silver becoming a higher rank of officer in the royal guard. As they did Paradox was starting to become concerned. “What about her family?”

“Family is always a first priority Lord Paradox.” Princess Celestia replied.

“Yes. We have many trustworthy guards and if need arises Silver has an opportunity to spend time with family. Always.” Princess Luna added.

“It’ll be great Doxy. More pay and more time to be around you and the fillies.” Silver smiled.

“Good.” He replied as he rubbed her leg with his paw. He wanted to give her a kiss, but felt really shy doing it in front of the princesses. They had turned their attention to another pony at the table. Some Wonder Bolts were present at the dinner party as well. He wondered why his mother in law wasn’t there. Silver had told him, but he couldn’t remember; he just knew that he wanted his wife badly.

After the party they were walking down the west wing when he had grabbed her and pulled her behind the curtains. He moved his paw up between her wings as he pushed her up against the wall.

He pulled from the kiss both panting as they looked into each others eyes. “I want you.” He whispered.

“Dox.” She replied. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest.Lovinsilver

He moved both paws behind her rump holding her against the wall. She put her legs around his hips as he kissed her again. He moved his hips and rubbed against her.

Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp of pleasure breaking the kiss as he pushed his arousal deeply into her. “Ah Doxy yes…” Her body shook in pleasure.

“So tight. Silver!” He moaned as he pushed into her tightness.

Her body quivered as he pushed up into her. He growled as he bit on her neck and started to thrust roughly up into her. “Ah! Yes!” She gasped out as she hit orgasm.

“Mmm… Yes…” He moaned lustfully as he pushed into her deeply and released his pent up desires into her.

She shuddered as she came again. “Oh gods. I love you Doxy…”

He was panting as he looked at her. “I don’t know what came over me. I need you badly. I want to…” He growled as he started to push into her again. “I need to make love to you again…” He moaned out.huff
Silver gasped as he started to mate with her so soon. “Ah Doxy…”

“Need you. Want you.” He growled softly as he pushed deeper into her. “Silver… gods… I can’t stop. You feel so wonderful.”

She panted with lust as he thrust hard into her. He pumped up hard and fast and it made her head swim with dizziness. “Doxy, please don’t stop.”

“So tight so good so…” He grunted as he pushed into her rough and hard. “Come for me.”

She moaned in pleasure the hallway echoed with her moans. The guards on either end of the hall blushed because they knew what Paradox and Silver were doing… “Doxy! Yes!” She exclaimed as she came hard.

“Yes! Oh yes my goddess… my true love!” Paradox growled loudly as he gripped her possessively against him as he exploded deeply into her.

“Gods! YES!” They said in unison.

They both panted together as they slid to the floor. He pulled from her as he held and kissed her gently. “Doxy. I love you so much.” She whispered.

“Silver. You’re the world to me.” He said as he looked at her. “You’re beautiful.”

They both got up slowly as they made themselves look presentable again. Silver walked out from behind the curtains first and looked down the hallway. “Come on.”

The guards acted as if they hadn’t heard anything.

Paradox emerged and smiled at her. “I guess we should head back to our room and see how our foals are.”

She nodded. “Yes. Of course.”

They walked together calmly down the hallway and past the guards. Paradox grinned at one of the guards showing off his fangs. The guard watched him and gulped as the door closed to the hallway. The unicorn guard looked to the other guard. “I once had to guard Lord Paradox when he was ill. He has changed a lot since then.”

The other guard blinked. “I am jealous. I’ve always had a crush on Lieutenant Silver Dash. Now I feel very inadequate.”

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapters 123


“Where is the bride and groom?” Pinkie and Sprinkle said in unison. Both mother and daughter were pacing opposite one another as they waited.

“Don’t worry so much.” Fluttershy said as she held Snafu and watched Pinkie and Sprinkle pace. “They know about the reception. They’ll be here.”

Twilight helped Celestia walk into the ballroom. “Just sit here Princess, I’ll be right back with some tea for you.”

Luna walked over to her sister. “How are thee?”

Celestia looked at her sister. “I could be better. I shouldn’t have let you and Twilight talk me into coming to the wedding. I’m exhausted by just sitting up.”

“’Tis was best ye had been here. The ponies respect thee and seeing thee has made them less frightened on the future of the kingdom.” Luna stated as she sat with her sister. “Discord has been a good replacement until thou returns. There was never a doubt that ye would return.”

“There wasn’t? Twilight told me that she thought she’d almost lost me.” Celestia said.

“Twilight is very excitable sister. Is one of the reasons why we didn’t choose her for thou’s replacement.” Luna said calmly. “In a few more years, she may be a better choice.”

Celestia nodded as she looked at Twilight as she came back to the table. “I agree with you Luna.”

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 122 (NC-17)


‘Silver is so beautiful why would she even want me? Oh she’s right next to me looking at me, oh I’m so scared, and I’m going to start freaking out. I’m going to…’ the thoughts ran through Paradox’s mind quickly.

Luna spread out her wings and smiled. “We are gathered here to unite two souls. Who is giving this lovely bride away?”

“I am.” Big Mac answered. He looked at Paradox. “Ya take care of her.” Paradox nodded.

There was a loud bawling from the front row of the seating. Every pony looked and saw Rainbow Dash bawling while Rarity pat her on the back. “Darling you’re making a scene.”

“My little girl!” Rainbow Dash cried. “She is so beautiful! Waaah!”

Silver grinned then whispered. “Mom… geez.”

“Okay, I’m okay.” Rainbow Dash muttered as she sniffled and Big Mac went to sit down next to her. She leaned on him and started to sniffle again. “Mac! Our daughter’s getting married!” She started crying again as she hugged him.

He patted Rainbow Dash. “Eeyup. Calm down Dash.”

Apple Jack leaned forward because she was sitting behind them. “How come ya’ll kept this a secret from me?” She whispered.

“You never asked.” Rainbow Dash whispered in between sobs.

“Ahem.” Luna continued. “These two lovely young souls are committed to be wed this lovely evening, Young Lord Paradox and Young Lieutenant Silver Dash.” She smiled at both of them. “If there is a pony who thinks these two should not be wed thou shall speak now, or be forever silent.”

Discord sat up and looked at the audience menacingly. No pony said anything.

Silver was looking at Paradox and he was looking at her. She saw him shaking slightly but he stared at her intently with his deep azure eyes. She was marrying him, she’ll wake up next to him, hug him and kiss him daily. She loved him so much.

Paradox was shaking so much. He shook his paws a bit because he felt sweaty in between his pads. He looked at her as she stood there and saw her eyes, she was looking into his. Her eyes beautiful pools of silver and magenta. He wanted to kiss her, he needed to kiss her.

Luna smiled and looked at Paradox. “Do thou Paradox take Silver to be your wife?”

Paradox blinked when he realized that Luna was talking to him. “Huh?”

Luna tried not to giggle. “Do thou take Silver to be your wife?”

“Oh! Gods yes! How can I not? She’s smoking hot!” He said.

Luna’s eyes widened. “Hmm, well then ye said yes.” She looked at Silver Dash. “Do thou take Paradox to be your husband?”

Silver blushed as she nodded. “Yes. I do.”

“The rings?” Luna said.

Crispin handed Paradox the ring, and Sprinkle Icing gave Silver a ring.

“The exchanging of rings to bind the souls together, to symbolize their bond. The circle is to represent the eternal love they have for one another. These two souls have consented to the arrangements of the ceremony we give all in attendance; Mr. and Mrs. Paradox. Mare and Draconequus. Ye can kiss thou’s wife.” Luna stepped back.

Paradox pulled Silver to him and kissed her deeply.weddingkissSilver melted into his kiss as he pulled her close to him. It was as if they were the only two in the room. She didn’t hear the noise of ponies cheering all she cared about was he was now her husband. When they stopped kissing he just looked into her eyes and smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She whispered back as she blushed. “My Doxy.”

He leaned up to her ear. “I cannot begin to tell you how pent up I am. Gods…”

She blushed. “Oh my goodness Doxy. We still have to go to the ballroom for the reception.”

He grinned at her. “Hmm, I know.”

The wedding procession started to file out of the throne room and Paradox was becoming anxious. He glanced at his father.

Discord smiled at his son. He made a motion with his paw and claw as if he was lifting something and he jogged in place. Paradox blinked. Discord sighed; he disappeared and then reappeared on Paradox’s shoulder dressed as an angel and in a miniature size. “Pick up your wife and run for it.” He said.

“What? Why?” Paradox asked.

“Dox, do I need to draw you a picture?” He asked as he pointed at Silver Dash. “Pick up your wife and disappear then show up in the ballroom later.”

“Oh… OH!” He grinned as he picked Silver up. Discord disappeared from his shoulder.

“Doxy! What’re you doing?” Silver giggled.

“I’m taking you.” He said as they disappeared and then reappeared at his old bedroom. His bed was made as he walked her over to it and set her down on it.

“Taking me?” She asked him.

“Oh yes. You’re my wife.” He whispered to her. “I just want to… start the honeymoon early.”

She smiled at him. “Doxy, I’m in my wedding dress, I don’t want to ruin it.”

“I’ll be careful. I…” He looked at the dress and tilted his head. “How do I get it off of you?”

She started to giggle. “After we go to the reception I’ll take it off for you.”

“Aww, Silver, you’re teasing me.” He muttered. “I want you bad.”

“Believe me Doxy, I want you too, but it’s not good to avoid your own party. I’ll make it up to you.” She motioned him over to her.

He got closer to her. “Yes?”

She took her hoof and pulled his tuxedo pants down to reveal his arousal. “Oh, is that for me?” She asked.

Paradox nodded as he looked down at her. “Yes. Silver, I ache just to be in you. Oh gods…” He moaned out when she rubbed her hot tongue on his tip.

Silver opened her mouth more as she rubbed her tongue slowly over his tip and then down his shaft, she kissed him softly then took him gently into her mouth.

“Uhh, mmm, gods Silver.” He shuddered as he thrust his hips to her, pushing himself deeper into her hot mouth.SFT

She looked up at him as she sucked him into her mouth and pulled back letting him push into her mouth again. Her tongue caressed rubbing over and around his shaft as she slowly pulled back sliding him out and slowly sucked him back in.

He was panting with pleasure as she worked her mouth over him. Every sensation of her tongue causing a shock of pleasure through his body. “Oh, I’m going to burst.” He moaned out and looked down at her.

She opened her mouth as she licked his tip again rubbing her tongue around his head and over the ridge of the tip she lapped up the precum and closed her mouth around him again.

“Uhh… Silver your mouth… ah.” He shuddered all over. Every nerve in his body was ultra-sensitive and he jolted when she took him deeply into her throat and ran her tongue along the bottom of him as she pulled back. She started to move her mouth as to stimulate him thrusting into her. He knew the pattern and started to push and pull on his own as his orgasm built up.

She let him take over but she continued to move her tongue around and against him, letting him push into her deep as she felt him swell, she relaxed her throat as he panted and moved faster.

Paradox placed his paw on her head. “Oh… uhh… ffff… Silver!” He growled as he pushed deeply into her muzzle and released his pent up desires.

Silver started to swallow his heated desires tasting him as he emptied into her mouth and down her throat. When he was done she pulled back still swallowing him and slowly cleaning his member with her tongue. “Do you feel less pent up?” She asked him as she licked her lips.

“Oh yes…” He moaned as he looked at his beautiful bride. “I think I can cope until later.”

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapters 118 -119 -120 -121

Paradox stood and switched from one hoof to the other. He leaned on the cane his father gave him as he watched his friend Crispin walk down the aisle with Sprinkle Icing then took the spot next to Paradox.

“She looks beautiful.” Crispin whispered to Paradox.

“Hrrgah.” Was all Paradox could say as he swallowed hard.

The other two joined them up on the dais. Paradox was starting to shake like a leaf.

“It’ll be alright.” Zero whispered to him. “Breathe.”

The music changed and Paradox stood up straight. Every pony stood up and turned to look at the doors.


“Omygosh! Omygosh! Omygosh!” Silver started to say in quick succession. “I’m freaking out.”

“Calm down.” Mac said. “Remember yer not alone.”

She took in a deep breath. “Okay, I can do this.”

Mac opened the doors and they both started down the aisle.


“Gorgeous…” Paradox sighed as he stared at her. His legs felt weak and he swore his heart just skipped several beats.

In the front row a pony had started to sob and cry.


Silver heard ponies gasp at her beauty, some were mumbling about Big Mac and she smiled. Her dad was always popular with the mares but they never knew why he stayed a bachelor. Silver now knew why and she was okay with it. She looked up at the dais and saw Luna standing and waiting. She glanced at her friends Lilly, Sprinkle and Scarlet Grace and smiled. She then looked at Paradox and blushed despite herself. He looked so handsome and so nervous.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 117


Celestia was sitting next to Twilight, she had a bandages around her wings but she was awake and smiling. “Are you sure that Luna can do this ceremony?”

“You’re recovering from being in a deep coma I think your sister can handle this.” Twilight stated. “I am so glad you’re back though. I missed you.”

“I am glad you and the others never gave up on me.” She whispered. “From what I see even Discord was able to keep himself under control.”

Twilight laughed. “I think you have Fluttershy to thank for that. Every time he got too rambunctious she stepped in and told him what she thought.”

Celestia started to laugh. “Oh, I should allow him to take over more often.”

Twilight gasped. “You’re not serious are you?”

Celestia started to giggle. “Of course I am. I love the way Discord stirs things up.”

Twilight blinked at her. “Um… you do?”

“Yes. I’m glad he and his children are here and even better that they have helped me recover. I still don’t think I’ll be ready until another month.”

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 107


Blinking his eyes Discord was standing in a hallway of dream doors. One door opened and Luna walked out. “Greetings Element of Chaos. First we shall find Twilight.”“Sure thing Luna.” Discord replied as he looked at the doors.

Luna walked along the hallway leading him towards one door. She placed a hoof on it then looked back at him. “Please do not judge Twilight on this dream she is having a very difficult time adjusting. The wisp from the Spring of Eternity has planted a thought in her that she cannot shake.”

He grinned. “She had told me about some of the things she had dreamt.”

Luna opened the door after nodding. “Now thou will see.”

They both walked in a room that was lit in mint green light. A bed was in the middle of the room and there was a figure tied to it with leather restraints and some chains. Twilight was standing on the bed over the restrained figure.

“Very interesting.” Discord said as his eyebrow went up.

Twilight gasped as she turned around and saw Luna and Discord. “Oh, um I can explain…” The figure on the bed was Twilight’s image of Discord restrained. Her cheeks were bright red as she looked at the real Discord.

“Never mind this.” Luna stated as she moved her hoof and Twilight’s dream faded. “We need thou. We are quite thankful for ye’s help.”lunasmile1She kept blushing as she trotted over to them. “Yes.”

Discord had a smirk on his face as he looked at her. “You think I’d actually allow you to do that to me?” He asked finally.

Twilight looked at him and practically fell over when he held his paw and claw up in leather restraints. “I… um…”discordchained

He made the restraints disappear. “Don’t worry Twilight, I’m just teasing you.”

Luna paused at another door. “We are there. Thou prepared?”

Discord took in a deep breath. Twilight formed her LillyRose disguise as Luna opened the door.

Celestia was sitting at a table with a darkened figure. She had a gag in her mouth and she looked at them with fear in her eyes. When she saw LillyRose and Discord she started to shake her head fast as tears formed in her eyes.

The shadowy figure stood up. “Well, thissss issss not what I expected. Luna you have decided to give me sssomething that I had desssired? How generoussss.”

Discord stepped forward. “It was my idea. I decided to join you. Only if you release Princess Celestia.”

“Excellent.” The shadow slowly approached Discord. “What of your daughter here?” It turned to look at Twilight disguised as Lilly.

Discord shook his head. “You don’t want her. She no longer carries the foal you wish to corrupt.”

The figure started to melt a bit turning into a mist and started to slowly wrap around Discord’s legs. “So be it then. Celestia will no longer be possessed by me, I shall take you over. Then after, I’ll convince the rest of your family to join me.”

Discord grit his teeth as the shadow started to run up around his body. He looked over at Celestia as Luna and Twilight, still looking like Lilly, untied her. They both moved as fast as they could, getting Celestia away from the shadow’s influence.

Celestia watched him being taken over. “Don’t let it take you…” She said suddenly as she shrugged out of Luna’s grasp.

“Keep back Tia… it’s the only way…” Discord muttered as the shadow twisted around his waist. “I want you to be safe. Go Celestia. Save yourself…”

Outside the dream.

Celestia awoke and she looked around her room in a panic. Twilight was snuggled in a bed and she saw Luna sitting in her trance-like state when she enters dreams. Right next to Luna was Discord who was twitching oddly.

Celestia started to get up from her bed to go over to her sister and Discord. She fell out of the bed and onto the floor, her legs were so weak. She winced because she had also twisted one of her wings.celestiaawakens

“Discord… Luna… Don’t let it…” she crawled to them. “No… I’d rather be possessed than let it have chaotic magic…” She reached out to them and Discord’s eyes opened.

“Tia?” He looked at her. “Look at you, you’re awake. Long time no see.”

She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Discord? Are you alright?”

He stretched his wings out. “Never better. Now you shouldn’t be on the floor like that.” He stood up and carefully picked her up and walked her back to her bed. “Little steps, you’ve been comatose for a long time. You need to gradually exercise.” He looked at her hurt wing and magically wrapped it in bandages.

Luna awoke from her trance blinking several times and looked over at Discord tucking Princess Celestia in bed. “Thou accomplished it!” She said as she spread her wings and quickly went over to them. “Sister! We are so happy ye is back!” She hugged Celestia and hugged Discord to his surprise.

Twilight sat up in bed. “Did it work?”

“No.” Discord snickered as he looked at her. “The plan failed and Luna is hugging me…”

She looked at him and then saw Celestia awake and coherent. She got out of bed and flew over to them. “Princess Celestia, I’m so happy you’re awake. I was so worried…” she hugged her mentor tightly.

Celestia was shocked by the hug from Luna and Twilight. She looked at Discord. “How did? What happened? Before I awoke you were being taken over…”

“You only thought I was being taken over. I wasn’t really.” He started to laugh. “The demon made a mistake by trusting its eyes.”

“It tried to take me.” Twilight stated. “I was disguised as Discord… when it took me over I was able to defeat it and send it back to Tartarus.”

“Yes, I was actually disguised as LillyRose.” Discord snickered.

Celestia gave him a tight hug to his surprise. “Thank you.” She looked up at him.

“Hey, no big deal. Sorry it took so long to figure it out.” He said as he gave her a gentle hug back. “You need to take it easy though. You twisted your wing and have a bruise on your neck from falling out of the bed.” He stepped away from the three Princesses.

“Yes. We are so glad thou is feeling better.” Luna sniffled. “We shall help in the recovery process.”

“I need to check on Fluttershy and the baby.” Discord said as he started to gradually leave the room.

“A baby?” Celestia asked. “How long was I out?”

“I need to talk with you Discord.” Twilight stated as she left Celestia’s side to walk out of the room with Discord. Luna started to explain to Celestia all the things that transpired while she was comatose.

“What is it Twilight?” He asked as he looked at her.

Twilight hugged him suddenly. His ears went up in shock then he gently hugged her back. “Thank you.” She said softly. “I am so happy that you came up with that plan. I wouldn’t have ever thought of it.”

He shrugged as he let her go from the hug and he leaned over to look into her eyes. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

She smiled with a blush and she kissed him on his lips. He blinked as his ears went up in shock. He didn’t kiss back but stared at her. She felt her cheeks burning with a blush. “Thanks again.” She whispered timidly and looked away.

He stood up slowly and licked his lips. “You’re welcome…” He quickly turned around, glanced at her again before snapping his fingers to disappear.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 106


“I believe I have figured it out.” Discord stated as he, Luna and Twilight left the room where his wife and daughter were recovering from giving birth. “We have been going about this shadow business at the wrong angle.”

“We are open to any ideas thou may present to us.” Luna said as she looked at him.

“I believe Celestia is still possessed, but not with the shadow that possessed you Luna, but she is possessed by a lesser demon.” He started to grin. “And I think I know how to lure it away.”

“What are you thinking?” Twilight asked warily.

He started to laugh more. “I’m going to offer myself to it.”

Both Luna and Twilight looked at him.

“Don’t you both start talking me out of it at once. The outpouring of your concern is overwhelming.” He said sarcastically as he made a face.

Luna looked at him directly. “We do not think it is wise for thou to do this. Thou is quite powerful; we would hate to have to punish thou for something ye cannot help.”

Discord looked at her in surprise. “I think I can overpower this lesser demon, but I’ll need your help Luna. Same with you Twilight.”

“Me?” Twilight asked. “Why me?”

“You see, this lesser demon I believe is working for my brother. My brother is a stronger demon in Tartarus and cannot leave that realm without Aidoneus’ permission but is sending this demon to torment my family and initially… the main possession of Celestia was to lure me and my children out to be possessed as well. It didn’t know that LillyRose was as strong as she is.” He looked at Twilight. “You are going to disguise yourself as Lilly in a way to lure this demon out.”

“I don’t know about this Discord.” Twilight said as she swallowed hard.

“We will have to face this demon in the dream realm. In Celestia’s dreams.” Luna said. “We suggest we do it immediately.”

“Yes, I want to do it before Fluttershy finds out.” He suddenly stopped as he looked back at the room where his wife and daughter were resting.

Twilight saw his look of concern. “Are you sure you want to do this? If you are possessed…”

He leaned over to her and placed his finger on her chin. “That is why I am having you and Luna help me. You both have the power to restrain me.”

Twilight started to blush and she pulled away from him. “If you think so.” She still felt uncomfortable with how he made her feel and her image of him in restraints made her feel weird and uncomfortable.

Luna turned. “Twilight, ye must go to bed, as we explained before, thou has to be asleep before ye can enter the dreams of others.” All three of them went down the hall towards Celestia’s bedroom.

They walked in the room and Discord saw Celestia in the bed sleeping serenely. He approached her slowly and looked at her. “She looks peaceful.”sleepingcele

Luna nodded. “Yes, very misleading.” She pointed to another bed. “Twilight we shall try this again like earlier.”

“But what about the box?” Twilight said as she looked more at Discord than at Luna.

“The magic had already been spent.” Luna said. “Thou will have to make due.”

Twilight gulped. “Alright.” She went over to the bed crawled in it and settled down under the blankets.

Discord turned to Luna. “Promise me that if I am possessed and unable to be controlled, you tell Fluttershy and my family that I love them very much.”

Luna smiled. “Ye can tell them after this is done.” Both of them waited until Twilight was asleep. When she was, Luna blinked as her eyes glowed like the moon. Discord hesitantly reached out and touched Celestia’s temple.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 105


Twilight looked at every pony in the room. “Um… I’ll tell them later.” Her cheeks were burning red.

Discord blinked at her. “Why not tell them now? Aww… did you walk in on them doing something naughty?” He went over to the door.

“Discord, don’t bother your son.” Fluttershy whispered as she held their new foal.

“Yeah dad. He had a lot of emotional backlash from my labor he probably needs the release.” LillyRose said sleepily.

“Alright, I am not sure what you mean…” He strode over to Fluttershy, she handed him their newest addition he looked at the foal and smiled. “Right little Snafu?”

Epona looked at Discord. “Seriously? You named him Snafu?”

“Yes…” He grinned. “What a better name for my foal then a confused and chaotic state of being?”

Epona shook her head. “I would like to go home now.” She went to the door.

Twilight gasped. “I… don’t think that is a good idea.”

“I have to get my foal, they aren’t doing anything I haven’t seen before. If it wasn’t obvious, I have had my fair share of mates.” She looked around the room. Discord was acting like he didn’t know what she was talking about and was whistling as he looked away. Fluttershy looked at Discord and gave small frown. Twilight was blushing and Luna was trying hard not to laugh. Lilly had fallen asleep as Zero was totally oblivious to the conversation as he held their foal. Epona opened the door to go get her foal from Silver and Paradox.

Paradox and Silver were leaning against one another and looked at Epona as she walked in. Silver was holding her foal gently. “Hi Dr. Epona.” Silver said.

“Hello Silver. Thank you for watching Cobalt Lust.” She said as she took the foal from Silver.

“His name is Cobalt Lust? What sort of name is that?” Paradox asked.

Epona laughed. “Oh this foal is special.” She nuzzled her baby. “He has an incredible talent.”

Silver blinked. “And that is?”

“You’ve already experienced it.” Epona said. “Thanks again for watching him.” She nodded as her horn glowed and she disappeared.

Paradox blinked. “We already experienced it?”

Silver laughed. “Think about it Doxy… Were you that horny before you touched his wings and feathers?”

Paradox blinked. “Uh, no.” He then blushed. “Whoa. That foal can be dangerous!”

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 104 (NC-17)


Both Paradox and Silver sat outside the room as they watched Epona’s foal. Paradox was happy to be away from the noise and confusion of both his mother and sister being in labor. Twilight and Princess Luna had went in to assist with the births.

“Oh Doxy! Look at him, he’s so adorable. He’s a beautiful dark cobalt color. Look at his white muzzle too.” Silver Dash cooed as she looked at Epona’s foal. “He looks like he’s part deer look at his hooves.”

Paradox looked at the foal that Silver was holding. “Silver, I really don’t…” He smiled suddenly. “He has cute little wings! They look iridescent… Awesome.”

Silver nodded as she looked up at him. “I know. He’s adorable. You think we’ll ever have a little one?”

Paradox looked at the foal and didn’t look at Silver at the question. “I don’t know… Maybe… one day.”

Silver blinked at his answer. He didn’t sound like he wanted a foal too soon. She looked at the wings on the foal and gave a deep sigh. “Maybe?” She said softly.

He nodded. “Yeah. I think we should get married first.” He said as he pet the feathers on the foal’s wing. “I wish my feathers gave that sort of shine. Mine are plain old blue.”

“I love your blue wings.” Silver said to him.

He looked up into her silver and magenta eyes. “Thank you.” He said softly. “I love everything about you.” He reached up and placed his paw on her chin. “You have the most beautiful eyes.” He slowly leaned over towards her to give her a kiss.

The door to the room opened, making both Silver and Paradox jump.

Twilight came out of the room she was smiling. “Paradox, you are now an uncle to a beautiful girl named Rune Eclipse. She’s dark taupe with bat wings, she looks like a full pony too. Princess Luna named her.”

Paradox and Silver looked up at her. “Thanks…” Paradox mumbled.

Silver smiled at Twilight. “What about Fluttershy? Has she had her foal yet?” She rocked Epona’s foal as she talked to Twilight.

Twilight shook her head, “Not yet, but I wanted to tell you about Lilly and Zero’s foal. Lilly is now resting.”

“We’re not supposed to sleep.” Paradox said.

“It’s alright.” Twilight said. “I thought your father took care of that?”

Paradox shrugged, “I don’t know. So many things have gone on in the past few hours. I don’t know what to think any more. Thanks for telling us about the foal.”

“You’re welcome.” Twilight looked at Paradox for a moment then walked back into the room.

Silver looked at him. “Doxy? Are you alright?”

“No… Silver… I need you.” He said suddenly.

Silver’s ears went forward. “What? Now? I’m holding a foal.”

Paradox sighed, “Yes, well of course…” He looked at Silver. “I can be discrete, all the emotions that are hitting me all at once when Lilly was transferring her pain to me. I feel extremely needy… I have a lot of pent up desires right now.” He clenched his paws as he moved closer to her. “I need you so bad.” He looked at his mate. “I’m going to go stir crazy. You smell so good…” He leaned forward and nuzzled her mane and took in a deep breath. “Silver…” He sighed.

Silver sighed softly as he nuzzled her neck. “Doxy…” She looked at the foal in her arms and he was sleeping. Paradox kept nuzzling her neck and kissed her softly along her mane. His kisses were making her heat up with desire.

“I need you now.” He whispered as he started to nibble the back off her neck.

“But…” She said softly as she looked at Epona’s foal. She looked around the room and saw a large soft looking pillow nearby. “Doxy, let me get that pillow, please.”

He looked over. “No, here.” A bassinet appeared nearby. “Put him in there.”

She placed the foal in the bassinet, he flapped his wings a little bit and snuggled into the blankets. Silver smiled. “Aww.”

Paradox grabbed her and pulled her to him. “Silver, remember that I need you.” He growled as he began to nibble on her neck again.need

“Ah… I didn’t forget.” She whispered back. “What if some pony walks in?”

“No pony will walk in.” He mumbled as he kissed down her neck. “Silver please…” He put his paw between her legs.

She gasped as he boldly started to rub her sex with his fingers. She felt her legs weaken as he pushed his fingers into her and started to rub and caress. “Oh… Doxy…” She panted.

“Yes…” He said as he moved his paw away as he moved over her.

She blushed as he kissed her neck and rubbed his arousal against her folds. “I hope no pony comes in.” She whispered.

He pushed into her deeply and started to mate with her. “Mmm if they do, they’ll get a show.” He managed to say. “Ooh Silver, how do you manage to be so tight?” He groaned.

She gasped out in pleasure. “Oh. Doxy!” She shuddered as she hit orgasm quickly.

“Mmm yes.” He panted out as he increased his speed. “So tight… Ah…”

She moaned out softly as he pushed himself into her deeply. “Ohh… yes Dox. Yes.”

He bit on her neck as he pulled and pushed in again. “I’m going to fill you.” He moaned out. He pushed deeply into her and released his pent up lust into her.

She shuddered under him as she hit an orgasm as he released into her. “Ah… oh Doxy… you feel so good.”

He kept himself buried in her as he nuzzled her mane. “I told you no pony would walk in.”

The door opened without a knock and Twilight looked in. She saw Paradox and Silver in the compromising position, her eyes widened. “Oh… my! Sorry.” She quickly closed the door.

Silver blinked then started to giggle. “Twilight walked in.”

“So she did.” He replied as he pulled from her. “Good thing we were already done.”