Tag Archives: cake

Story: Life with Paradox – Chapter 12


The cake was small and decorated beautifully. Pinkie Pie looked at it proudly. “Sprinkle, you’ve out done yourself!”pinkiecake

“Silver Dash requested it for her mother.” Sprinkle said proudly.

“The colors really match her personality.” Pinkie inspected it. “Rainbows all over and… a couple pacifiers on the top. Wait…” You could literally see the wheels in Pinkie’s brain working. “Does this mean?”

She watched her mom and waited for her to say it. “Hmm?”

“Paradox and Silver are expecting?”

“Yes.” Sprinkle nodded.

She let out a squeal of happiness. “Two? Twins? Please be twins… please.” Pinkie giggled.

“They don’t know yet…” She said to her mom. “I just thought two pacifiers looked good.”

The door of Sugar Cube Corner gave a small chime. “I’m coming.” Pinkie said and walked out.

Paradox was standing and waiting. Pinkie grinned at him. “Para… dox…”

He grinned at her she noticed that he looked little different but didn’t care. “Pinkie… Pie.” He replied back.

“Gonna tell your Auntie Pinkie something?” She said with a huge grin.

He casually looked around. “Hmm, no I don’t think so.”

She bounced over to him. “Dox, tell me… please!”

He watched Pinkie Pie bounce. “Pinkie, I’ve always wondered something…”

She stopped mid bounce. “Ask me anything! What is it?”

“You’re random and almost chaotic.” He paused for a moment and looked at her. “How come you and dad never hooked up?”

Pinkie fell on the ground and looked at Paradox. “Wow! You surprised me with that question. Very out of left field there Dox.”

He nodded. “I’m curious is all… You don’t have to tell me.”

Pinkie Pie stood up slowly and looked at him. “You are trying to distract me… I know your ploy!” She grinned again. “You are not going to distract me! Tell me if it’s true… Are you and Silver expecting?”

Paradox looked at her for a long moment. “Expecting what?”

Sprinkle Icing came out of the back carrying a cake box, she placed it on the counter. “Paradox, she already knows, just tell her.”

“Yes, Pinkie. Silver and I are expecting a little one.”

“Just… one?” Pinkie asked.

“I guess so, I don’t know.” He muttered as he walked over to the counter. “How much do I owe for the cake?”

“You should bring Silver over for lunch some time. I want to see her.” Pinkie giggled as she operated the register and told him the total.

“Alright Pinkie, but today we’re having lunch with Rainbow Dash.” He placed bits on the counter paying her. He picked the box up. “See you ladies later.” He then disappeared.

“Paradox looked so…” Sprinkle started to say and was interrupted by her mother.

“Sexy.” Pinkie finished.

Sprinkle blushed. “Mom!”

Pinkie Pie looked at her daughter. “What?”

“You’re old enough to be his mother!” Sprinkle made a face.

“Duh!” Pinkie said. “Doesn’t mean I can’t look.” She hopped out of the room and back into the kitchen. Sprinkle shook her head and realized she was still blushing… because what her mother said was true, he was sexy.