Story: Life with Paradox – Chapter 49


“You should start teaching them chaotic magic now.” Discord said.

“No.” Paradox frowned at his father. “Chaotic magic is the reason why no pony remembers Lilly!”

Discord stared at Paradox for a long moment and then let out a deep sigh. “I remind your mother everyday… She forgets every day.”

“Because of that spell.” Paradox growled. “You know you can give her the memory back, but you won’t… why?”

Discord crossed his arms and turned away from his son. “I… don’t want her to be mad at me.”

“What happened? I need to know; all I remember is that I am so mad at you! I am so… angry with you… I want to… just… ARGH!” Paradox punched the wall nearby making a hole in it.

Discord turned and looked at the damage. “Dox, you shouldn’t punch walls.” He said as he used magic to repair it.

“I don’t care.” He replied as he rubbed his paw. “Until you give us our memories back… I don’t want you to tell me how I should raise my daughters. They don’t need to learn chaotic magic. Silver and I can teach them the basics.”

“They have great potential Dox, don’t let that go to waste. I can see them ruling Equestria one day.”

Paradox gave his father a venomous stare. “They are not you. I don’t know how Mom puts up with you.”

Discord grinned and went to give his son a reason why.

“I don’t really want to know!” Paradox growled and placed his paws on his ears.

Paradox gave his father a look that made him grit his teeth. “Dox. I’m serious about teaching your girls chaotic magic.”

“Then get Lilly to teach them, oh yeah! You can’t because you won’t tell me where you banished her!”

Discord sighed. “I don’t know where… I can’t remember, the same spell was put on me.”

“That is a bunch of…”

“Doxy?” Fluttershy interrupted Paradox as she walked in the room. “Why are you yelling?”

“No reason mom. Sorry. I’ll go. Love you, mom.” He marched from the room his feathers were ruffled up.

Fluttershy watched her son leave and suddenly frowned at her husband. “What did you do wrong? You and Doxy have been arguing for months now. Why?”

Discord looked away from Fluttershy, “No reason.” He lied.no_reasonShe frowned more. “Discord…”

“Dear sweet Fluttershy, you know that I love you very much…” He turned around and looked at her with a large grin.

“Uh huh… yes.” She whispered as she looked at him warily. “What does this have to do with Dox being angry with you?”

Discord slowly curled up around her. “We’re not arguing we’re just having a heated discussion; a debate really, about guy things.”

She looked at him. “I think you’re lying to me. Discord, please tell me… What is going on?”

He let out a huge sigh as he looked into her clear aqua eyes. “I’ll tell you, but after today is over you’d forget again.”

“I doubt that.” She said.

He nodded as he started to tell her why Paradox was mad at him. He then sighed as his wife started to cry and became angry at him as well. “Tomorrow you’ll forget about this conversation… that is my only saving grace…” He muttered.

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