Silver moved slightly to her side and suddenly gasped as a pain shot through her. “What?”
Paradox was instantly awake and looked over at her. “What is it?”
She shook her head and moved again and the pain radiated around her stomach. “Oh!”
Paradox sat up and looked at his wife in concern. “Silver, tell me.”
She put her hoof up as she took in deep breath and then let it out slowly. “Wait a moment.” She took in another breath and then her eyes widened. “Ouch. Oh…” She gasped as she looked at him nervously.
Paradox blinked at his wife. “Is…?”
Silver yelled out in pain as it radiated around her stomach. “Doxy… I… think so.”
He jumped out of bed. “It’s time, I’m gonna be a dad; oh what do I do; what should I do? Silver…?”
She looked at him and slowly rubbed her belly as he looked at her for advice. “Tell the doctor? Take me to the hospital, tell my family and yours.” She smiled then clutched her stomach and let out a pained whimper.
He went over to her and kissed her face. “How do I do all this?”
“Get me to the hospital first.” She gasped out as another wave of pain hit her. “Remember the pain you had when your sister… um… Lilly went into labor?”
He nodded and swallowed hard. “Don’t remind me. I’m going to get you to the hospital.” He moved to her side and picked her up gently.
“Don’t use magic Doxy. Please.” She said quickly.
“What? How am I to get you to the hospital fast?” He asked with slight panic in his voice.
“You can fly… fly me there.” She said as she put her hoof on his cheek. “Just don’t use magic Doxy.”
He let out a sigh as he nodded. “Ok, I’ll fly you there, although I am a little rusty.” He walked to the door to the balcony off their bedroom and went out. Swallowing hard he spread his wings out, stretching them out fully and flapping them in the early morning.
Silver squeaked and closed her eyes when he jumped up and took flight. This was the first time he ever flew while holding her and she could have sworn that he had never flown the whole time they ever dated; although he had mentioned several times that her mother made him fly laps as punishments for different things when he was younger.
He flew up and held Silver to him gently but firmly. He wanted to be careful as he flew over a part of Everfree Forest and over his parent’s cottage. As he flew over their cottage he looked down to see if either one of them were outside. There wasn’t a sign of either one of them so he pumped his wings and flew towards Ponyville.
Silver carefully opened her eyes and let out the breath she was holding in. She whimpered with the pain but she was also in awe on how well he flew.
He held her protectively as he used heavy strong beats of his wings to move swiftly. They flew through the outskirts of Ponyville and Silver noticed that Paradox was starting to breathe heavily. He flew over Sweet Apple Acres as he scanned the orchard and suddenly noticed trees being shook to loosen apples. He flew for it.
Silver didn’t know what he was doing since he took a slight detour into Sweet Apple Acres. “Doxy? What are you … Doing?” She gasped out as she was hit with another pain.
“Don’t worry…” He panted as he answered her. He suddenly reversed his forward movement to hover in place his wings beating hard and fast as he hovered over the trees being bucked and spotted Big Mac, Crispin Apple and Apple Jack.
Silver now knew what Paradox wanted to do. She saw her father. “Dad!”
Big Mac, AJ and Crispin all looked up. “What the hay is going on?” Apple Jack demanded.
Paradox was panting hard. “I can hardly talk… Tell him Silver.”
Silver nodded and let out a slight cry of pain then composed herself. “I’m in labor and Doxy is taking me to the hospital tell every pony please.” She said.
Big Mac ran forward just as Paradox turned and flew off with Silver. “Sorry…” He shouted back over his shoulder. “I got to get you there before I run out of breath.” He muttered.
Silver nodded. Paradox gave bigger wing beats and flew towards the hospital. When he got to the Ponyville general hospital he landed at the entrance and stood to regain his strength still holding her in his arms. Folding his wings behind him he walked her into the emergency room carrying her still. “My wife is in labor.”
The nurses perked up and they helped Paradox by taking Silver into the back. He went with them his wings were feeling tired as they unfurled and dragged behind him.