Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 113 -114


Fluttershy had her grandchildren in a baby carriage. She looked in on them and smiled. She then adjusted the baby sling on her chest with her own infant. All were sleeping. Trouble was the most difficult to get to sleep being that he was the oldest of the three. Silver Dash wanted LillyRose and Grace to be her bride matrons. Paradox wanted Zero and Flight Strike as his ushers. So Fluttershy volunteered to watch the foals.runetroubleTwilight trotted over to Fluttershy. “Do you need any help?” she whispered.

“No, right now I’m fine. They are all asleep I’m hoping they stay asleep until after the ceremony.” she whispered back. “The place looks very beautiful. I’d have my birds sing for the wedding but I have my hooves full. Plus I don’t think Paradox likes birds singing.”

Twilight laughed lightly. “Anything you do for your son, he’d love.”

“Thank you Twilight.” Fluttershy whispered as she rolled the stroller back and forth.

“I’ll send over Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to help you with the foals.” Twilight stated.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Fluttershy blushed.

“Fluttershy, your son is getting married, I think you need to do more than foal sit.” She whispered.


The organ started to play rather spooky music every pony looked over to see Discord playing it dressed in a long cape and wearing a half mask. He stopped playing for a moment and hissed. “Don’t look at me! I’m hideous!” He then started to laugh as he disappeared letting the original organ player take a seat and start playing more appropriate music for the wedding.

Discord appeared in front of Fluttershy. “Hey sweetness? Looks like you have your hooves full of cute foals. Let me hold ours for you.”

She gave him the foal from the sling. “He’s asleep.” She whispered.

Discord smiled at the foal as he cradled him. “Little Snafu. Are you gonna behave while your big brother gets married?”

“Don’t wake him up.” Fluttershy warned him as she looked in on Trouble and Rune Eclipse. Rune Eclipse was snuggled up against her cousin Trouble.

Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walked up to them. “Twilight sent us over here to help ya.” Apple Bloom said.

“Hmm. Hello.” Discord said to the three mares. “Yes, my wife would like to have a little help with foal sitting.”

“We all helped AJ raise Crispin.” Apple Bloom announced, “And Scootaloo did foal sitting for Rainbow Dash a couple times.”

Sweetie Belle shuffled her hooves. “I helped them. I’m good at singing lullabies to foals.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Hopefully you wouldn’t have to do much. Trouble and Rune are sleeping and Discord is holding Snafu. I am just hoping they rest until after the ceremony.”

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