Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 112


“In here sir.” The guard opened a door and Big Mac walked in and stopped short when he saw Crispin and Paradox looking at him.

“Howdy.” He said and quickly went to where the tuxedos were.

Paradox followed him without saying anything as he scowled.

Crispin just smiled. “Howdy uncle. Whatcha doing?”

“It seems the bride wants me to give her away.” He looked over at Paradox.

“Interesting.” Paradox mumbled as he rubbed his chin. “Why would she want you? When she could have asked my dad? Since he’s been like a father to her, since she doesn’t really know her ‘real’ father.”

Mac put on the vest and looked at Paradox. “Are ya angry at me? If ya are I’d like to know.”

Crispin looked confused. “Uncle Mac? Why did ya keep it a secret?”

“Apple Bloom knew.” Big Mac answered.

Paradox growled as he put his paws up in frustration. “Yes and that makes everything all better! His younger sister knew…” He turned and walked into the other room while mumbling to himself.doxyupset“So, I’m guessing that he’s mad at me?”

Crispin laughed. “Nah, he’s not. He’s just making a scene. His pa is the same.”

Discord suddenly appeared. “Big Mac! I knew you were her father! I won the bet!” There was a sudden shower of bits falling from the ceiling down on them. “It was the family resemblance right on those cute cheeks.” He pinched Big Mac’s cheeks.

Big Mac swallowed hard as he backed away from Discord. “Ya knew I was Silver’s father? How?”

Discord laughed. “I’m not as clueless as some of the ponies here in Ponyville. I knew as soon as Rainbow Dash was showing.”

“Then ya’d know who my pa is?” Crispin asked suddenly.

Discord blinked at Crispin. “I do, but it is not my place to inform you.”

Paradox looked in. “Dad! What are you doing?”

Discord put his arm around Big Mac. “Talking to my good friend Mac! Look at him, he’s gonna be facing his biggest challenge, his daughter. I’m lending him my support. Just be yourself big guy.” He ruffled Mac’s mane and let him go. “Get ready, I hate to have this wedding be delayed for too long.”bonding

Paradox rolled his eyes and left the room again. “I’m already ready Dad! It’s the deadbeat that needs to get ready.”

“Hey now!” Big Mac yelled.

“Tut! It’s ok Mac… Dox doesn’t know the whole story.” Discord patted Big Mac on his back. “Just get ready and everything will turn out for the best.” He snapped his fingers and disappeared.

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