Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 109


Silver Dash paced back and forth nervously; her beautiful white dress made a soft shuffling noise as she did so. Her maid of honor; Sprinkle Icing watched her with concern. “Silver, it’ll be alright… what can go wrong?”

“I know. I know, but this is a big thing. I’m marrying Paradox. What will our future be like?” She stopped pacing and looked in her mirror. “Oh, my veil is crooked, this is going to be a disaster.”

Sprinkle Icing grinned as she fixed Silver’s veil. “It’s alright, you’re just nervous.”

“How’s everything going in here?” Rainbow Dash asked as she walked into the room, she spotted her daughter and started to cry. “Oh! My little girl… she’s so grown up.”

“Mom you’re going to make me start crying.” Silver sniffled at seeing her mom.

“This wedding is perfect… everything will be alright.” Sprinkle Icing continued. “Who’ll give the bride away again?” She asked as she placed a new bobby pin in Silver’s mane.

Rainbow Dash had paused. “I was, but I’m going to start bawling if I do it.” As she said that, her eyes welled up with tears.

“Too bad you don’t know your father; that would have been his job.” Sprinkle Icing muttered as she grabbed a tissue for Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash sniffled and looked at her daughter with her eyes wide and innocent. “I wouldn’t say that she doesn’t know her father… I know who he is.”

Silver looked at her mom in surprise. “You know who dad is? How come you never told me? How come he doesn’t want to know me?”wedsilvrwhat“He knows you, he loves you a lot. I never told you because I wanted to raise you on my own.” Rainbow looked on the ground. “I’m sorry.”

“Mom, why would you keep that a secret from me?”

“You never asked.” she answered.

Silver blinked. “I’m asking now. Who is he?”

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