Monthly Archives: October 2015

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 86


Paradox fell up against the canvas. “Horse nuggets!” He grumbled.

Silver Dash looked up from a book she was reading to look at him. “Is Lilly having another contraction?”

He looked at his fiancé. “No… I thought I’d mess up this painting on purpose.” He sat down. “I hope Zero gets kicked where it hurts.”

Silver giggled as she closed her book. “I guess as she gets closer to her due date you should pretty much stay off your feet.”

“This isn’t funny.” Paradox muttered. “Maybe Dad has some magic that can disconnect me from Lilly until all this is over with. And I thought it was bad when she had morning sickness.”

Yeah, that was a mess.” Silver started to giggle.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 85


LillyRose snuggled up against Zero in bed. “Have you thought about what we should name our little one?”

Zero’s ears perked up. “I don’t know.”

“I think we’re going to have a boy.” She murmured as she lay on her side to look at him.

He looked at her as he placed his hoof against her swollen belly. “What makes you think that it’ll be a boy?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. It’s a hunch.”

“You have a boy name in mind?” He asked.

“I have several names.” She smiled as she looked at him. “But they are all girl names.”

Zero laughed. “Oh so you are relying on me to give you a boy name.”

“Yes.” Lilly nodded then made a face as she felt a slight contraction.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 84


“Are you sure you want me to send this letter?” Spike asked Twilight as he looked at what she dictated to him.

She looked at him and bit her lower lip. “No.” She muttered. “As soon as you send it… I cannot take it back.” She stood up and started to pace back and forth. “Spike what should I do? The potion that Zecora made will only work if I am honest.”

Spike looked at the letter again. “Well, from what you had me write; you were brutally honest. Kind of graphic too.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she used her magic to take it from his claws. She read it and started to blush. “I said that?”

“I wrote everything word for word. Like you told me to.” He smirked.

“No! I cannot tell him this.” She crumpled up the scroll and tossed it into the fireplace. She started to pace back and forth in irritation. “What do I do?”

Spike shrugged. “I don’t know, but I wish I had mind bleach.”

“Ha… ha… Very funny Spike.” She rolled her eyes.

“I’m not laughing at all.” He made a face. “Ugh.”

She hung her head and started to sigh loudly. “I’ll have to talk to him face to face.”

Spike shrugged as he walked away from the writing desk. “Yeah, I think that would be better. Will save my claw from getting a cramp from writing. You have a habit of saying too much for one little thing. You can always say you love him for his intelligence and then be done with it.”

Twilight blinked. “Spike? Why didn’t you tell me that to begin with?”

“You just told me to write the letter Twilight, you didn’t ask for my opinion. And I don’t even know who you were writing to.”

She opened her mouth to tell him, but shut it quickly. “Just some pony I know.” She muttered as she blushed.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 83


“Why wait for my advice?” Zecora said as she walked to a wall and pulled a vial from it. “You know I would not ask a price.”

Twilight sighed. “I know Zecora, but I didn’t know that you would actually have a cure for what is wrong with Celestia.”

The zebra smiled at Twilight. “It’s not a difficult task to just ask.” She looked at the vial she had taken down from the wall and shook her head as she placed it back up on the wall again.

“So, I’m asking now, is there a cure for Celestia?”

“Calling it a cure is a bit obscure.” Zecora looked at all the vials she had on her wall and frowned. “It was here, maybe it is over there?” She trotted over to the other wall and was looking at her collection of vials and containers.

“What does the vial look like?” Twilight asked as she looked at the walls.

“The vial contains something volatile and green. And yet it cannot be seen.” Zecora seemed to be a little perplexed.

Twilight looked at a wall full of dried plants and several vials. One vial she spotted was green and looked like it had bubbles in it. “Is it this one?” She asked as she pointed at the vial.

Zecora looked at the vial and smiled. “It is found. Safe and sound.” Zecora took it from the wall and went to a mortar and pestle unstopped the vial and dripped two drops into the mortar. She walked over to some dried plants and grabbed some red looking seeds and placed them next to the mortar. She walked to another set of dried plants and looked through them and smiled when she spotted what she was looking for. She grabbed the green plants and went to the mortar and placed some of the leaves into the mortar. She placed the red seeds in the mortar and grabbed the pestle with her mouth and started to grind all the ingredients together. When she was done she pushed the mortar to the side and grabbed the vial of green liquid again.

“This is highly powerful, I was surprised that Discord let me have this in exchange for the advice I gave him. I had asked him for the water of the Spring of Eternity, but he wasn’t easily swayed to give that to me.” She lifted the mortar and filled a flask with the ingredients then added the rest of the vial into the flask. She held it up and swirled it, the color changed from a bright green to a light lavender color.

Twilight just looked at the flask and looked at Zecora. “So what do you call this? Is this the cure I’ve been needing?”

The zebra placed the flask on the table and looked over at Twilight. “For you there is an easy task, your reward shall be this flask.”

“You want me to do something for you?” Twilight asked.

“You feel that it is uncouth, to reveal the truth. You have to see; that the truth will set you free. Tell him how you feel then maybe I will give this to help her heal.”

Twilight blinked as her cheeks burned. “What do you mean?”

Zecora chuckled. “Oh, I see. This, I didn’t foresee. Denial will not get you this vial.” She placed it on a shelf.

“Wait! Zecora! Please I need that to help Celestia. I really don’t know what you are asking me to do.” Twilight bit her bottom lip nervously.

Zecora looked Twilight in the eyes. “You tell him how you feel. Then you can have this to heal.”

Twilight swallowed and put her head down. “I can’t tell him how I feel.”

“Only when the truth is in motion, will you receive the full magic of this potion.” Zecora stated.

“Okay Zecora, how long will that last?”

“It’s an exotic brew, it will keep for a week or two.” The zebra nodded.

“Alright. I’ll be back.” Twilight left the hut empty hooved.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 82


A week later Twilight had just left the room where Celestia was being kept. She didn’t awaken the whole time Twilight had been with her. Twilight saw that the day was coming to an end as she walked down the hallway of Canterlot castle. She felt that everything she had tried to make Celestia better had failed.

She was about to walk out the nearest door to the courtyard when she saw Discord walk from the throne room and down the hall. She decided to follow him.

Discord’s ear perked up when he heard Twilight following him. He chose to ignore her and opened a door to the side and went in.

Twilight ran up to the door Discord just went in. Taking a deep breath she opened it and went in as well. She blinked suddenly when she noticed she was in Discord’s library. “What?” She turned around and the door she entered was gone. “Discord!”

He appeared in front of her and placed his paw on her chin. “You’re following me. Why?”

Twilight moved her head away. “I… Why are we in your library?” She asked back.

“I seem to be the one that is asking the questions here.” He replied as a pair of glasses appeared on the bridge of his muzzle. “Why were you following me? Is there a reason? Do you want to ask me something?”

Twilight looked at him. “I… I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you.” She huffed.

“Whatever Twilight.” He started to pull books from random shelves of his library with his magic. “I think anything you need answers to are in here.” He piled the books in front of her. “Now if you will excuse me; I have to check on my pregnant wife.” He disappeared leaving her alone.

“I didn’t want to look through your library!” She shouted.

His voice answered. “Well… too bad!”

Twilight looked at the books placed before her and she blinked. “How to cure brain injuries. Dementia and you. When can I pull the plug? The healing power of crystals.” She read the titles out loud as she looked through them. “How to survive the Zom-pony apocalypse? What?” Twilight placed the book to the side. “That’s a silly title.”

Twilight stared at the books hoping one would just present itself to her. She lifted one up and started to page through it. She never read this book before and wondered what other books were in Discord’s library that had never been seen by any pony. She frowned as she read some of the chapter of the book she opened. Some of the best cures have been developed through natural means. If anyone is to have suffered a mental breakdown, be sure to get a lot of sunshine, and consult a zebra.

“What? Consult a zebra? Why?” She read through the book more as her eyes started to widen. “Why isn’t this book in my library?” She closed it and looked at the title.

Cures for the Mind and Soul. Written by Star Swirl the Bearded.” Twilight gasped as she opened the book again and saw that it was even signed by him. It was inscribed: To my associate Discord hopefully you don’t cause too much chaos while I am away. –Star Swirl. Twilight was in total shock as she started to read the book more.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 81


Every pony was sitting at Sugar Cube Corner waiting for their guests of honor. Some had already started to eat.

Paradox and Silver appeared at the entrance of the store both soaking wet. Although Silver kept looking at the engagement ring that Paradox gave her. She felt her heart thudding in her chest and she couldn’t believe that he asked her to marry him. She loved him so much.

“Shall we go in?” Paradox smirked at her as he put his claw up and moved a wet strand of her mane from her face. “You are so beautiful.” He whispered.

She giggled at his charm and nodded. “I think we should. You know your suit is um… kind of ruined.”

“I don’t care.” He said as he allowed her to walk ahead of him. “Should I go in first?”

“We should go in together.” Silver smiled.

“A lovely idea!” He said as he suddenly picked her up.

“Whoops! Doxy!” She giggled loudly as he magicked the door open and he walked in carrying Silver.

“We’re here!” Paradox yelled as they entered. “She said yes!”

They were met with cheers and congratulations. Paradox set Silver down and she was instantly hugged by Rainbow Dash. She looked at her mother and saw that she was crying. “Mom?”

Rainbow Dash tried hard to wipe her eyes. “Something is in my eyes… No… I’m so happy for you!” She started to sob loudly again.

Fluttershy was hugging Paradox. “I knew she’d say yes Doxy.”

“I was so nervous Mom, I almost stuttered again.” Paradox said.

Discord ruffled Paradox’s mane and started to chuckle. “You’re all wet.”

“Yeah, it was the location where I asked her. There was water all around us.” He smiled as he reached over to Silver and started to pet her shoulder.

After the initial congratulations and chatting started to calm down. Paradox and Silver both went to sit down with every pony else as they all started to eat and celebrate.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 80


Paradox and Silver appeared next to a bench that was along a trail in White Tail Woods. On the bench was a piece of paper held down with a rock. Paradox walked to the bench and set Silver down on the bench.

Silver blinked at him. “Now that we’re here what are we going to do?”

He pointed at the paper under the rock. “What is that?”

Silver moved the rock and looked at the piece of paper. She unfolded it. “It says: ‘Say the magic word, trot twenty spaces to the left of the bench and find another piece of paper’.” Silver said as she read the note. She opened the paper and there was a word written on it. “Revlis.” She said it out loud.

Paradox suddenly disappeared when she said the word written on the paper. “Doxy?” She gasped. She looked around for him. “Where’d you go?”

Paradox’s voice drifted to her from all directions. “Read the instructions and follow them.”

“Ok…” Silver said as she looked at the paper again. She followed the clue and went twenty spaces left of the bench. She found a piece of paper stuck to a tree, she opened it and read it. ‘Fly over to Luna Falls and land on the rock closest to the falls and read the magic words that are written on the paper there.’

Silver spread her wings and flew to Luna Falls and looked around and saw a large rock next to the falls in the middle of the lake. She landed and saw a piece of paper with a red rose on top of it. She gently moved the rose off it and opened the piece of paper. She blinked at the words and tried to figure out how to say them out loud. “Emyrramuoylliw Revlis.” She managed to say.

With a loud pop Paradox appeared in front of her. He was on one knee and was smiling up at her. “Well? Will you?”

Silver blinked at Paradox in shock. “Will I what?” She asked.

He grinned as he gently grabbed the piece of paper from under her hoof. “Read it backwards.” He said as he held it up to her to read again.

Silver looked at the words. “Revlis is my name.” She smiled. “Let me see, Oh…” she suddenly shuffled her hooves as she looked at him; her eyes filling with tears. “Oh… Doxy…” She breathed out.

Paradox grinned as he brought a box from his vest pocket. “You have made… me… very… h… happy.” He swallowed hard trying not to stutter as he opened the box revealing the engagement ring he had chosen for her it was a simple ring gold and silver band with a large blue gem on it. “I will say it as well. Silver, I love you very much; will you marry me?”proposal2

Silver smiled as tears ran down her face. “Yes, of course I will. I love you Doxy.” She leapt at him, he was taken by surprise; he snapped the box shut as she tackled him and they both fell into the water that surrounded them. He held her tightly as they kissed each other passionately.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 79


“The celebration can start now, because I am here.” Discord said as he walked into Sugar Cube Corner with Fluttershy. Every pony looked at him and Lilly started to snicker at her father.

“Discord, your son hasn’t gotten here yet, you might as well sit down.” Twilight said sharply.

“Kind of grumpy today Twilight?” He asked as he walked over to the table with the cakes and sweets. Fluttershy walked over to her friends and sat in a chair next to Rainbow Dash and started to chat with her.

Rainbow Dash was biting on her lower lip as she sat in her chair. She looked at Fluttershy and gave a weak smile. “What if Silver says no?”

“Um, don’t worry about it Rainbow, everything will be okay.” Fluttershy said quietly to her friend. “Doxy is a good boy… Silver really does enjoy being around him.”

Discord strolled over to the empty seat next to Fluttershy as he carried a plate full of food and he set it in front of Fluttershy. “Little mommy needs to eat more food, growing babies need nibbles.” He cooed to her.dinnerdiscord

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Twilight all looked at Fluttershy. “You’re pregnant again?” They asked in unison.

Fluttershy squeaked and hid her face behind her mane and Discord grinned proudly. “Yes, she is.”

Apple Jack walked in followed by Rarity who was wearing another one of her elegant gowns.

Apple Jack saw her son Crispin sitting really close to Sprinkle Icing and she smiled. “Hey Crispin, I see you got yer chores finished. Well done.” She walked to where her friends were sitting. “Hey Twi, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Discord.” Twilight and Rainbow were still looking at Fluttershy but Pinkie waved at Apple Jack.

“Hey AJ!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Guess what I saw.”

“Tell me.” Apple Jack said.

“Crispin and Sprinkle Icing kissed.” Pinkie blurted out. “And Fluttershy is pregnant again.”

Apple Jack blinked a couple times. “Whoa, Crispin actually kissed yer daughter? I’m more shocked than a barrel full of electric eels.” She looked over at Crispin; Sprinkle Icing was leaning against him with a smile on her face. “And what is this news about Fluttershy?” She said as she looked over to Discord and Fluttershy.

“Apparently Fluttershy is pregnant again.” Twilight answered as she saw Fluttershy get embarrassed again.

“Again?” Rarity said in shock as she approached them. “Oh dear, you think you can handle another foal at your age? Your own children are having children.”

Fluttershy looked at her friends. “I um… Well, I don’t know.” She squeaked again when Discord placed his paw on her shoulder.

“I don’t think it’s a matter of her age. I can keep an eye on her. She’s perfectly healthy and we have the best doctor in all of Equestria that watches over my whole family.” Discord interjected.

“True, your doctor is one of the best in Equestria.” Twilight nodded. “We just worry about you.”

“I’ll be alright.” Fluttershy replied.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 78


“So what is this party about?” Silver Dash asked as she placed her helmet next to a box of odd paints and brushes that Paradox had just left on a table. His room overlooked a lot of wonderful landscapes. Since he had recovered from his depression he had been a lot more creative. Silver though seemed to be the only one to have seen a lot of his creations and she had told him that he should show some of the paintings and drawings he had done to his family. He was adamant in the fact that his family wouldn’t understand his ambition and Silver knew that was just an excuse.

“I am not sure what the party is about.” Paradox replied from the other room. “Why are you here so early? I thought maybe you wanted to stay with mom a little longer than usual.”

“Why would I do that?” She asked as she walked further into the room. “My shift was over as soon as your mom was with your dad.”

Paradox’s eyes widened as he saw her walk further into the room. “Silver, can you please wait over there?” He said vaguely.

“Oh, sure Doxy? Can you elaborate more?” She looked behind her and she stepped back until she was near the opposite wall.

“Nope, I don’t think so.” He snickered as he kept hidden.

Silver leaned against the wall and let out a deep sigh. “I wish you would hurry in getting ready. I would love to get cake sometime tonight. No matter what the party is about.”

“Cake does sound delicious.” Paradox replied as he slowly stepped out from his hiding place. Silver blinked at him. He was dressed up really nice, wearing a suit with a tie. She blinked several times.suitedDox

“Doxy?” Silver questioned him.

He smirked as he looked at her. “Yes Silver?”

“Why are you dressed up? Not that I am complaining, since I don’t see you dressed like that often. This is Sprinkle Icing’s party we are going to, and she usually doesn’t have fancy dress up parties.” Silver Dash admired him.

“Actually, I wasn’t planning on going to Sprinkle Icing’s right away.” He smirked as he put his paw through his mane. “I thought that we’d go take a walk through Whitetail Woods for a while.

“Whitetail Woods?” Silver blinked. “What’s in there?”

“Once you and I get there, we’ll be there.” He replied.

“Well, gee… I never would have figured that out Doxy.” She sighed. “Why do we have to go there?”

“It’s a secret.” He smiled at her. “Come here and I will take us there.”

Silver looked at him doubtfully and slowly walked over to him. “I hope what you’re planning isn’t scary.”

He looked at her. “Scary? I may be a monster… but I am far from a scary one.”

She suddenly blinked in surprise. “You’re not a monster.”

“I know that.” He picked her up and nuzzled her neck as they disappeared.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 77


“Yay! You made it!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she saw her daughter’s friends walk into the store. Crispin stepped back when Pinkie plowed into Apple Bloom. “Sprinkle Icing had been working at this party all morning. With a little help from me.”

Sprinkle Icing was decorating a cake as she looked at her mother and saw Crispin standing to the side. Her eyes widened as a smile spread on her face. She loved seeing Crispin; he always made her happy. “Mom… We have to get this ready before Dox and Silver come.” She waved to Crispin.

“Okay! Apple Bloom can you help me in the kitchen? I’m working on apple turnovers and you’re the best advisor on them.” Pinkie giggled as she pulled Apple Bloom into the kitchen.

“Crispin! Come here, I need you to see this.” Sprinkle Icing grinned as she put another rose on the cake she was decorating. Crispin walked over and looked at the cake. “What do you think?” she asked.

Crispin looked at it and looked at Sprinkle. “It’s beautiful.” He whispered.

She smiled with his answer. “Great! Thank you. I worked hard on it.” She looked up at him and saw he was staring at her. “Oh, do I have something on my muzzle?” She looked at her muzzle cross-eyed.

“Yep.” Crispin said and kissed her muzzle quickly and turned his face away as he felt his ears burning.

Sprinkle Icing blinked in surprise. “Crispin?”

He looked at her. “Hmm?”

She had a blush running over her cheeks. “You kissed me.” She whispered as she looked at him.

He nodded. “Yep. I’d do it again if ya want me to.”

Sprinkle was about to reply when the bell on the door rang. LillyRose and Zero walked in. “Lilly!” Sprinkle waved to her friend and Crispin blushed as Sprinkle turned her attention away from him.

“Sprinkle! Crispin! I’m so glad to see you two!” Lilly said as she went to them.

Sprinkle looked at Lilly. “Oh my goodness! You’re preggers!” She hugged Lilly and looked at Zero. “You’re the one…” She hugged him and Zero looked at her in shock and uncertainty.

Lilly smiled. “Yeah Zero is one of Dad’s guards. He’s also my husband. Zero this is my good friend Sprinkle Icing and that big shy unicorn there is Crispin Apple.”

Zero suddenly bowed to Sprinkle Icing and Crispin. “It’s a pleasure to meet friends of my lovely wife.”

“Oh, he’s so adorable.” Sprinkle Icing squealed.

Crispin just stood there sizing Zero up. Zero went over to Lilly and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Lilly when are you due?” Sprinkle asked.

“Well…” Lilly trotted over to her friend and they started to talk about foals and girl things. Zero went to a table and started to look at all the items upon it. Cakes, candies, treats and several snacks.

Crispin walked up to Zero. “How were ya able to do it?”

Zero looked at Crispin. “Excuse me?”

“Lilly can be very moody and she was notorious for being unable to keep a boyfriend past one date, how were ya able to accomplish what others couldn’t?” It was the most Crispin had said in a long time.

“Apparently those others didn’t know that Lilly is as beautiful inside as she is outside. She’s more than beautiful; she’s my love eternal. I know that doesn’t really answer your question but I know how I feel about her.”

Crispin nodded. “So ya ended up dating?”

“Well, um it is a little complicated. I was Lilly’s guard, and I kind of fell for her charms.” He smiled as if remembering. “So tell me about yourself and life in Ponyville.”

Crispin looked at Zero. “Um well, it’s Ponyville and I’m a unicorn, my ma is an earth pony. We live on Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Oh? I’m an earth pony.” Zero stated.

Crispin leaned over and looked at Zero’s wings. “Uh huh… ya don’t look like no earth pony.”

Zero blinked and suddenly flapped his wings. “Oh these, heh… Lilly gave them to me.”

The unicorn’s eyes widened. “She magiced them on ya? Oh! I need to learn that.” Crispin looked over at Lilly and saw her gesturing to Sprinkle about her pregnancy as she rubbed her swollen belly. He noticed that Sprinkle suddenly looked over at him and he blushed as he looked away.

“Crispin?” Zero asked.

He looked at Zero. “Yeah?”

“If you like Sprinkle so much you really should tell her.”

“Is it that obvious?” he asked. “Some pony I just met can see it. I’m afraid she’d reject me.”

Zero looked over at his wife and Sprinkle. “She definitely won’t reject you. That mare wants you.” Zero smirked. “Believe me. I’ve seen that look before.”

Crispin blinked. “Yer not the first pony to say that. Paradox said I should tell her too.”

“So what’re you waiting for?” Zero replied.

“I’m not good with my words.”

“My brother in law and I don’t always get along, but he’s right. So what’re you waiting for?” Zero replied. “Go up and tell her.”

Sprinkle came prancing over to them. “You two are being quiet. Lilly and I think that maybe you two are up to no good being quiet and whispering.”

Zero was surprised by the insinuation of being up to no good. “I’m a loyal guard, I am usually not up to no good.”

“Unless you are with me in bed.” Lilly said.

He blinked at Lilly as his ears turned red. “What? Lilly! Stop talking like that.” He put his head down as he felt his blush running over his face.

Crispin didn’t really say anything as he just stared at Sprinkle Icing. Zero suddenly nudged him in the side and Crispin stumbled forward. He stumbled up against Sprinkle muzzle to muzzle.

“Whoa Crispin are you ok?” Sprinkle Icing asked as she looked at him eye to eye.

Lilly saw how close Crispin and Sprinkle was. She looked at Zero who was smirking. “Oh.” She whispered as she went to Zero.

Crispin gulped as he stared at Sprinkle. “Sorry Sprinkle… I didn’t mean to bump into you.” He then moved back slightly, but before he could move too far away Sprinkle smiled and moved her muzzle up and kissed him. His ears perked up as his eyes widened in surprise he was about to step back when Sprinkle put her hooves around his neck as she kissed him deeper.

“What did I tell you?” Zero muttered as he and Lilly moved away to let Sprinkle and Crispin kiss.

Pinkie Pie and Apple Bloom walked out of the kitchen chatting when Pinkie noticed her daughter kissing Crispin. Her eyes widened and she squeaked when Apple Bloom placed her hoof over Pinkie’s mouth. “Don’t spoil the moment Pinkie.” She said.