Tag Archives: Spring of Eternity

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 107


Blinking his eyes Discord was standing in a hallway of dream doors. One door opened and Luna walked out. “Greetings Element of Chaos. First we shall find Twilight.”“Sure thing Luna.” Discord replied as he looked at the doors.

Luna walked along the hallway leading him towards one door. She placed a hoof on it then looked back at him. “Please do not judge Twilight on this dream she is having a very difficult time adjusting. The wisp from the Spring of Eternity has planted a thought in her that she cannot shake.”

He grinned. “She had told me about some of the things she had dreamt.”

Luna opened the door after nodding. “Now thou will see.”

They both walked in a room that was lit in mint green light. A bed was in the middle of the room and there was a figure tied to it with leather restraints and some chains. Twilight was standing on the bed over the restrained figure.

“Very interesting.” Discord said as his eyebrow went up.

Twilight gasped as she turned around and saw Luna and Discord. “Oh, um I can explain…” The figure on the bed was Twilight’s image of Discord restrained. Her cheeks were bright red as she looked at the real Discord.

“Never mind this.” Luna stated as she moved her hoof and Twilight’s dream faded. “We need thou. We are quite thankful for ye’s help.”lunasmile1She kept blushing as she trotted over to them. “Yes.”

Discord had a smirk on his face as he looked at her. “You think I’d actually allow you to do that to me?” He asked finally.

Twilight looked at him and practically fell over when he held his paw and claw up in leather restraints. “I… um…”discordchained

He made the restraints disappear. “Don’t worry Twilight, I’m just teasing you.”

Luna paused at another door. “We are there. Thou prepared?”

Discord took in a deep breath. Twilight formed her LillyRose disguise as Luna opened the door.

Celestia was sitting at a table with a darkened figure. She had a gag in her mouth and she looked at them with fear in her eyes. When she saw LillyRose and Discord she started to shake her head fast as tears formed in her eyes.

The shadowy figure stood up. “Well, thissss issss not what I expected. Luna you have decided to give me sssomething that I had desssired? How generoussss.”

Discord stepped forward. “It was my idea. I decided to join you. Only if you release Princess Celestia.”

“Excellent.” The shadow slowly approached Discord. “What of your daughter here?” It turned to look at Twilight disguised as Lilly.

Discord shook his head. “You don’t want her. She no longer carries the foal you wish to corrupt.”

The figure started to melt a bit turning into a mist and started to slowly wrap around Discord’s legs. “So be it then. Celestia will no longer be possessed by me, I shall take you over. Then after, I’ll convince the rest of your family to join me.”

Discord grit his teeth as the shadow started to run up around his body. He looked over at Celestia as Luna and Twilight, still looking like Lilly, untied her. They both moved as fast as they could, getting Celestia away from the shadow’s influence.

Celestia watched him being taken over. “Don’t let it take you…” She said suddenly as she shrugged out of Luna’s grasp.

“Keep back Tia… it’s the only way…” Discord muttered as the shadow twisted around his waist. “I want you to be safe. Go Celestia. Save yourself…”

Outside the dream.

Celestia awoke and she looked around her room in a panic. Twilight was snuggled in a bed and she saw Luna sitting in her trance-like state when she enters dreams. Right next to Luna was Discord who was twitching oddly.

Celestia started to get up from her bed to go over to her sister and Discord. She fell out of the bed and onto the floor, her legs were so weak. She winced because she had also twisted one of her wings.celestiaawakens

“Discord… Luna… Don’t let it…” she crawled to them. “No… I’d rather be possessed than let it have chaotic magic…” She reached out to them and Discord’s eyes opened.

“Tia?” He looked at her. “Look at you, you’re awake. Long time no see.”

She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Discord? Are you alright?”

He stretched his wings out. “Never better. Now you shouldn’t be on the floor like that.” He stood up and carefully picked her up and walked her back to her bed. “Little steps, you’ve been comatose for a long time. You need to gradually exercise.” He looked at her hurt wing and magically wrapped it in bandages.

Luna awoke from her trance blinking several times and looked over at Discord tucking Princess Celestia in bed. “Thou accomplished it!” She said as she spread her wings and quickly went over to them. “Sister! We are so happy ye is back!” She hugged Celestia and hugged Discord to his surprise.

Twilight sat up in bed. “Did it work?”

“No.” Discord snickered as he looked at her. “The plan failed and Luna is hugging me…”

She looked at him and then saw Celestia awake and coherent. She got out of bed and flew over to them. “Princess Celestia, I’m so happy you’re awake. I was so worried…” she hugged her mentor tightly.

Celestia was shocked by the hug from Luna and Twilight. She looked at Discord. “How did? What happened? Before I awoke you were being taken over…”

“You only thought I was being taken over. I wasn’t really.” He started to laugh. “The demon made a mistake by trusting its eyes.”

“It tried to take me.” Twilight stated. “I was disguised as Discord… when it took me over I was able to defeat it and send it back to Tartarus.”

“Yes, I was actually disguised as LillyRose.” Discord snickered.

Celestia gave him a tight hug to his surprise. “Thank you.” She looked up at him.

“Hey, no big deal. Sorry it took so long to figure it out.” He said as he gave her a gentle hug back. “You need to take it easy though. You twisted your wing and have a bruise on your neck from falling out of the bed.” He stepped away from the three Princesses.

“Yes. We are so glad thou is feeling better.” Luna sniffled. “We shall help in the recovery process.”

“I need to check on Fluttershy and the baby.” Discord said as he started to gradually leave the room.

“A baby?” Celestia asked. “How long was I out?”

“I need to talk with you Discord.” Twilight stated as she left Celestia’s side to walk out of the room with Discord. Luna started to explain to Celestia all the things that transpired while she was comatose.

“What is it Twilight?” He asked as he looked at her.

Twilight hugged him suddenly. His ears went up in shock then he gently hugged her back. “Thank you.” She said softly. “I am so happy that you came up with that plan. I wouldn’t have ever thought of it.”

He shrugged as he let her go from the hug and he leaned over to look into her eyes. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

She smiled with a blush and she kissed him on his lips. He blinked as his ears went up in shock. He didn’t kiss back but stared at her. She felt her cheeks burning with a blush. “Thanks again.” She whispered timidly and looked away.

He stood up slowly and licked his lips. “You’re welcome…” He quickly turned around, glanced at her again before snapping his fingers to disappear.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 83


“Why wait for my advice?” Zecora said as she walked to a wall and pulled a vial from it. “You know I would not ask a price.”

Twilight sighed. “I know Zecora, but I didn’t know that you would actually have a cure for what is wrong with Celestia.”

The zebra smiled at Twilight. “It’s not a difficult task to just ask.” She looked at the vial she had taken down from the wall and shook her head as she placed it back up on the wall again.

“So, I’m asking now, is there a cure for Celestia?”

“Calling it a cure is a bit obscure.” Zecora looked at all the vials she had on her wall and frowned. “It was here, maybe it is over there?” She trotted over to the other wall and was looking at her collection of vials and containers.

“What does the vial look like?” Twilight asked as she looked at the walls.

“The vial contains something volatile and green. And yet it cannot be seen.” Zecora seemed to be a little perplexed.

Twilight looked at a wall full of dried plants and several vials. One vial she spotted was green and looked like it had bubbles in it. “Is it this one?” She asked as she pointed at the vial.

Zecora looked at the vial and smiled. “It is found. Safe and sound.” Zecora took it from the wall and went to a mortar and pestle unstopped the vial and dripped two drops into the mortar. She walked over to some dried plants and grabbed some red looking seeds and placed them next to the mortar. She walked to another set of dried plants and looked through them and smiled when she spotted what she was looking for. She grabbed the green plants and went to the mortar and placed some of the leaves into the mortar. She placed the red seeds in the mortar and grabbed the pestle with her mouth and started to grind all the ingredients together. When she was done she pushed the mortar to the side and grabbed the vial of green liquid again.

“This is highly powerful, I was surprised that Discord let me have this in exchange for the advice I gave him. I had asked him for the water of the Spring of Eternity, but he wasn’t easily swayed to give that to me.” She lifted the mortar and filled a flask with the ingredients then added the rest of the vial into the flask. She held it up and swirled it, the color changed from a bright green to a light lavender color.

Twilight just looked at the flask and looked at Zecora. “So what do you call this? Is this the cure I’ve been needing?”

The zebra placed the flask on the table and looked over at Twilight. “For you there is an easy task, your reward shall be this flask.”

“You want me to do something for you?” Twilight asked.

“You feel that it is uncouth, to reveal the truth. You have to see; that the truth will set you free. Tell him how you feel then maybe I will give this to help her heal.”

Twilight blinked as her cheeks burned. “What do you mean?”

Zecora chuckled. “Oh, I see. This, I didn’t foresee. Denial will not get you this vial.” She placed it on a shelf.

“Wait! Zecora! Please I need that to help Celestia. I really don’t know what you are asking me to do.” Twilight bit her bottom lip nervously.

Zecora looked Twilight in the eyes. “You tell him how you feel. Then you can have this to heal.”

Twilight swallowed and put her head down. “I can’t tell him how I feel.”

“Only when the truth is in motion, will you receive the full magic of this potion.” Zecora stated.

“Okay Zecora, how long will that last?”

“It’s an exotic brew, it will keep for a week or two.” The zebra nodded.

“Alright. I’ll be back.” Twilight left the hut empty hooved.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 68


Lilly sat at the table and looked at the vial of water that her father given her; he had filled it up and slipped it to her before her and Zero left. She remembered what he whispered her. “Ask Zero if he wants to before you give it to him. It is not called The Spring of Eternity for nothing.”

Zero walked into the room and saw her looking at the vial. “Lilly? Where did you get that?”

She looked up at him and she put her hoof on it. “Oh, Dad gave it to me.”lillyroll“Why did your Dad give you it? Is that the Spring of Eternity water?” He went over and sat across from her.

Lilly looked up at him her cheeks were burning. “Yeah, Dad wanted me to ask you if you wanted to.”

Zero looked at the water and back at her. “Wanted to what?”

“Dad gave Mom the water without her permission and he sometimes regrets doing it but also doesn’t because he saved Mom and it healed her of a problem she had for many years.” She looked at the blue water and pushed it slightly with her hoof.

“So you are asking me for my permission to use it?” Zero asked.

“Yes.” She swallowed. “Do you truly want to be with me… for an eternity?” She looked at him. “If you do not; you don’t have to drink it at all. I’ll understand. Paradox and I… We are Discord’s children; we will live for a long time maybe longer barring no accidents. We were given the spring water when we were babies, I was very ill as a filly… I just wanted to tell you what you have to put up with if you do drink that water…”

Zero grabbed the vial, opened it quickly and drank it down. He shook his head and licked his lips. “There is your answer Lilly.”

Lilly smiled at him as she got up from the chair and walked over to him. “I love you Zero.”

“Lilly, I love you… I’d spend a thousand eternities with you no matter what, you are stuck with me.” He got up and kissed her.


Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 67


Twilight held the water up to Celestia’s lips. “Please drink this Princess. It has healing properties.”

Celestia just stared into space like she always did but she drank the water slowly as Twilight tilted the glass to her.

Luna watched carefully as Twilight administered the water. “Tell me Twilight, where is the Spring of Eternity?”

Twilight looked at Luna smiling as she was about to say exactly where it was but she stopped. “It’s right on the… wait. He was right…” She blinked.

“Who was right?” Luna asked.

“Discord, he said I would not remember where the spring was…” she looked at Luna apologetically. “He was right… I don’t remember.”

Celestia blinked slowly and put up her hoof sweeping the glass of water onto the floor where it shattered. She moved slightly and shook her head she placed her hooves on the sides of her head. “No… NO! NO!” She started yelling.nocelestia

Twilight and Luna were shocked by the sudden reaction by Celestia. The princess was suddenly more animated she had been in almost a year. Both of them advanced carefully to Celestia.

“Sister, are ye quite alright?” Luna asked as she approached her.

“Celestia, its ok…” Twilight said as she approached too. “It’s me, Twilight Sparkle and your Sister Luna.”

“NO!” Celestia screamed suddenly. “NO!” She stood up quickly and spread her wings out.no

“We need to restrain her!” Luna yelled out. “She cannot be allowed to fly in her state.”

Twilight nodded as she used her magic to make Celestia’s wings fold back. “She’s strong!” She gasped.

“We know.” Luna said as she used her magic too. “She is still not healed. We thought the Spring of Eternity would help.”

“It sure gave her more energy.” Twilight huffed out.

Celestia was breathing hard as she stared at both Luna and Twilight. She was frowning with her head down and her breath came out as snorts through her nostrils. “No…” she said again as she slowly took a couple of steps and collapsed, falling asleep almost instantly.

“Perhaps we shall give her less of the water tomorrow? Maybe a little goes a long way?” Luna asked.

“I’m beginning to think I was tricked in giving Celestia the wrong water.” Twilight muttered as she frowned.

Luna glanced at Twilight. “Thou said that Discord drank the water in front of thou. How is that a trick?”

“I don’t know, but I have my suspicions. I think I will confront him about it.”

“Don’t be so quick to judge.” Luna stated. “Be sure thou has a valid argument before thou confronts.”

“But, Princess Luna… How can you let him rule in place of Celestia? Do you have any idea what he does during the day?”

“Yes, we do.” Luna frowned. “We have witnessed what Discord does during the day. He conducts matters of the kingdom during the day, he listens to the citizens and he does what needs done. What is he doing that makes thou disapprove?”

Twilight sat for a moment, unable to come up with a valid argument. “He’s planning something. That is all I have to say.”

Luna shook her head. “That is not a valid reason until he does something ye will have to endure until Celestia is well again.”

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 66


They stood outside of the fountain still in their shrunken state. Twilight wiggled out of Discord’s grip quickly and she frowned at him. “Don’t touch me.” She muttered as she flapped her wings slightly, her cheeks were flush.

Discord shrugged. “Okay. Prin… cess.” He looked at her and shook his head then snapped his fingers and he became normal sized. Twilight used her magic and she grew. All of them grew; Lilly and Zero were the last to change size.

Twilight trotted to the fountain and looked at it. “There’s still no water.”

“Geez Aunt Twilight. Give it time.” Paradox snorted.

There was a strange bubbling noise coming from the fountain and a rather small trickling of water started drop from the mouth of the fountain.

“Hey there we go.” Zero stated as he looked at the water. “It’s crystal blue in color.”

“Excellent. That is the way it’s supposed to look.” Discord stated and looked at Lilly. “You never cease to amaze me.”

“Should have brought her along to begin with.” Twilight stated as she glanced at Lilly while Discord examined the water.

“I really didn’t want to go.” Lilly said as she yawned.

Discord nodded at his daughter. “Maybe you and Zero should head back home.” He put his paw on her head as he leaned down and whispered something in her ear. She blinked at him and nodded.

“Yeah. Good night every pony.” She spread her wings and Zero did the same as they both flew off.

“So now what?” Paradox asked as he looked at the water.

Discord grinned as he went to the fountain and started to drink the water. When he was done he smacked his lips. “Yep that is refreshing. Makes me feel about a hundred years younger.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Move please. I’m going to fill these things.” She had a couple containers and started to fill them with the water.

Paradox was starting to yawn as he looked at Silver; she was watching Twilight as she leaned against him. “Do you remember anything about sleep walking?” he asked.

“I don’t sleep walk, I used to when I was a filly, mom says she had to lock my room afraid I’d walk off the cloud.” She giggled. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh um, no reason.” Paradox muttered then hugged her. “I think we should have dinner with Rainbow Dash soon.”

“Why do you want to have dinner with mom?” Silver asked.

Paradox shrugged. “I have to ask her something.”

“Okay, I have what we needed.” Twilight announced. “Can we go?”

“Not quite.” Discord stated as he filled a couple vials himself. “Now we can.” He started to chuckle. “By the way, you won’t remember where this is.”

Twilight looked defiantly at him. “Yes I will.”

“Believe me you won’t.” He started laughing as he held up his claw and snapped his fingers.

All four of them appeared in Canterlot in the throne room. Discord casually strode over to the throne and sat down. Twilight let out a sigh. “Thanks. Now perhaps we can get this place back in order.”

“Good luck with that water. I’ll hold down the fort while you ‘heal’ Celestia.” He lounged on the throne.

Paradox and Silver watched as Twilight left and Paradox went over to his father. “Dad, what will happen if the water works?”

“We move back to Ponyville of course.” He replied.

“You’d give this up?” He asked.

“Of course Dox. I promised your mother I would.”lounge

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 65


Lilly was completely baffled. There was a white rose growing in the middle of the barrier. Paradox saw it and pointed it out to her and she tried to approach it but the ringing in her ears got so strong she was on the verge of passing out when Paradox and Zero pulled her back. “That is the key to breaking the spell.” She said.white-roses-

“How do we get to it?” Zero asked. “If you get even close to it, you almost fall under the enchantment.”

Lilly sat down. “There has to be a way, maybe if I teleport next to it?”

Paradox was rubbing his chin. “And if you pass out just as you teleport next to it? What will we do?”

Lilly shook her head. “I…” She began but then stopped talking when she saw movement over where Discord, Silver and Twilight was. Silver had stood up and she was walking slowly over towards the rose.

Paradox glanced at what Lilly was looking at and he stared. “Silver…?”

Lilly put her hoof on Paradox. “She’s not awake. She’s sleep walking, but why is she… walking to the rose? Maybe we can… get her to bring it to us.”

“How can we do that?” Zero asked.

“Paradox has to ask her to bring it to him.” Lilly smiled at her brother. “Go ahead Dox, get her attention and ask her to bring the rose to us.”

Paradox looked at Silver as she walked in her sleep. “Silver, can you bring me the white rose? I want to see it.”

Silver had her eyes half closed as she looked towards him. “Paradox… You are here? Were you going to ask me something?” She said softly.

Paradox looked confused. “Ask you something?”

Lilly nodded and pointed urgently to the rose.

“Yes, can you bring me the rose?” He asked.

“That wasn’t the question.” Silver said softly as she looked over at the white rose. “I’ll bring you that, but you need to ask me that question you have wanted to ask me.”

Lilly looked at Paradox and she saw him physically shaking. “S… sure… bring me… the R-r-r… rose and I… I will ask t… the question.” He stuttered.

Zero looked at Paradox. “When did you start stuttering?”

Lilly blinked at how uncomfortable her brother got. “Dox, you only stutter when you get too nervous, and you never get nervous.”

“I… I’m n… not… stu… stuttering.” He stammered as he looked back at Silver as she grabbed the rose delicately in her mouth. She started to walk towards them slowly.

Silver stopped right in front of Paradox and she dropped the rose and Lilly grabbed it quickly in her mouth before it fell on the ground. Silver looked up at Paradox. “Ask me your question.”

“S… Silver…” Paradox stuttered as he bit his lower lip. “I…I can’t ask you this question wh… while … you’re a… asleep.”

“Paradox, please ask me.” Silver looked at him her silver magenta eyes shined. “Think of it as practice when you ask me while I am awake.”

Paradox swallowed hard as he suddenly kneeled in front of her and grabbed her hoof. “Silver, will you… M… Marry me?” He asked her.

Silver Dash slowly nodded as she blinked her eyes. “I will.”

Lilly blinked in surprise as she almost dropped the rose. “Is that why you were stuttering?”

Paradox nodded as he pet Silver’s hoof as Silver suddenly lay back down and fell back asleep. “Yeah, the… ques… question makes me… stutter. I haven’t asked Rainbow Dash if I could marry her daughter.” He looked worriedly at Silver as she slept again.

“That is rough.” Zero said. “I guess I am happy Lilly and I eloped.”

Lilly blinked then looked at the rose. “This isn’t anything but a regular rose.”

“It is a regular rose! It’s also my home!” A white wisp flew by and landed on Lilly’s muzzle.

Lilly looked at the wisp with her eyes crossed. “What? Are you responsible for them being under enchantment?”

“Who? The tall one, the repressed one and the one in love?” The wisp asked.

“Yes.” Lilly nodded and the wisp made a small squeak as it held onto her.

“Yeah, I don’t like things bothering the pretty water wall. I worked many years to make it look pretty like this.”

“Can you break the spell they are under?” Lilly asked. “If you do I will take them away from here to not bother you again.”

“But, I like talking to them. They amuse me… except the tall one… he doesn’t amuse me… he’s too intelligent.” The wisp seemed to sound annoyed.

“Well, also I wouldn’t mind if you let some of that water through? That water wall will still look nice with a small waterfall in the middle. That is a trend now; they call it a water feature.”

The wisp made a slight “Oooh” Sound and flew from Lilly’s muzzle and over to the bodies of Discord, Silver and Twilight. It alighted on each of their muzzles and it flew up to the wall. Lilly lost sight of it.

“It’s about time.” Discord slowly sat up. “I thought I was going to die from boredom.”

Twilight blinked while she sat up, she rubbed her temple. “Oh, my head.” She looked around spotted Discord next to her; she got up quickly as she blushed looking away from him.

Silver looked up and saw Paradox looking down at her. “Doxy? What happened?”

Paradox knelt down next to her and pulled her into his lap. “Nothing to be worried about.” He grinned as he kissed her gently on the lips.

Discord stood up and stretched. “So I guess we knock down this barrier?”

Lilly shook her head. “No Dad… I made a deal with the creator of the barrier.”

Twilight looked at Lilly in shock. “We need the water? What sort of deal did you make?”

Lilly looked at the wall for a few moments. “I am sure that the deal I made will help us at least a little bit, I suggest we don’t wait around for too long.” She saw one of the leaks that was trickling down the wall was starting to grow larger letting more water spill forth.

Discord noticed the water too. “Yep, we might need to make a hasty retreat, maybe a teleportation spell?”

He grabbed Twilight before she could protest and snapped his fingers.

Lilly hugged Zero to her and clicked her tongue. Paradox teleported too holding Silver close to him.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 63


Twilight gasped as she sat up quickly. She looked around where she was, and she was by herself in an empty room again. She let out a relieved sigh and put her hoof up to her forehead and felt her horn. “Thank goodness.” She whispered. She sat down and looked at the blank wall in front of her. “I am not going to move.”

“Oh, now you start using your intelligence.” A voice whispered to her.

Twilight’s ears perked up. “I have always considered myself intelligent.”

“Not as intelligent as the tall one apparently. It’s a good thing he doesn’t know what you have been thinking about…” The voice mocked.

Twilight blushed, wanted to retort, but didn’t know what she could say since she never saw who owned the voice.

Story: Paradox’s Despair Chapter 61


Lilly trotted through the broken diamond wall, she didn’t see how the wall had been shattered but she walked faster and then slipped on the slope as she spread her wings and flew down. She was amazed how beautiful the caves were as she looked around. She folded her wings when she hit solid ground. Her hooves made a strange echo in the cave as she walked.lillytorescueTurning to look at the stalactites she suddenly saw a cricket looming above her. Its long antenna was moving over her slightly and it moved toward her. She saw its jaws and mandible working in tandem as it drooled. She physically shivered in disgust and fear. She started to move slowly away from it and it moved with her.

She thought about the magic she had and smirked as she clicked her tongue and used her magic to shrink the cricket down. It stopped advancing on her as it realized it was too small. It then hopped away into a crack. Lilly let out a deep sigh as she continued on her way.

Story: Paradox’s Despair – Chapter 59


purpleroseSilver was walking carefully around the beautiful purple roses and kept her wings up and ready in case something bad happened while she examined them. She turned around a couple times when she heard a noise. All she saw was roses many different roses but all the same color, purple.

She turned one more time and was facing Paradox and he was slowly kneeling in front of her. She put her hoof to her face as he opened the box he held out to her. An engagement ring was there and she saw Paradox moving his lips but she couldn’t hear him.silvergaspShe felt tears well up in her eyes as she put her hoof out to him. The floor around her started to fall away again and Paradox disappeared. “No… I… didn’t get to tell him that I will… my love. I…” she started to flap her wings before she began to fall. She turned and was flipped around. She was falling again even with wings and she started to panic as the ground raced up to her this time she landed and she was surrounded by white roses.