Silver cried softly as she sat on the couch. Paradox wasn’t home and the twins were playing with the blocks.
Selene looked up at her mom and tilted her head. “Mama?” She asked.
Silver moved her hoof up and wiped her tears then smiled at her foal. “Yes Selene?”
Selene crawled over to her. “You ok?”
“I’m alright dearest. What’re you and your sister building?” She got up and walked over to the blocks and sat down.
Solana looked at her. “A bridge.”
Selene grabbed a block. “A castle.”
“A bridge and a castle, oh? Who lives in the castle?” Silver asked as she sniffled.
Both girls smiled. “We do. We’re princesses.” They replied in unison.
Silver laughed. “That is wonderful. If you two are princesses… what does that make daddy and I?”
Selene looked at the blocks. “You’d be a queen.”
Solana giggled. “Daddy be a jester… and a king.”
Silver laughed again. “So daddy is working two jobs?”
They both nodded.
“I’m just a queen? Do I do anything else?” She asked as she looked at the ‘castle’ the girls built.
“You tell every pony what to do.” Selene replied.
“You also take care of our brother.” Solana whispered. “He becomes the prince, but not for a long time. A very long time.”
Silver got up quickly. “I’ll be back… Don’t get into anything.” She stifled a sob as she went into the other room.
Selene looked at her sibling. “Mama cry.”
“I sorry.” Solana muttered as she started to tear up.
Selene sniffled and looked down as tears started to flood her eyes.
They both were suddenly crying as they both said “Mama!” in unison as they cried.
Silver came back her eyes red from crying and both of the twins were crying holding their paws out to her. She went over to them and they both crawled up to her and settled up against her hugging and snuggling her.
“We love you.” Selene and Solana said. “No sad. Please.”
Silver held them close pulling them near her as she settled down putting her hoof around them protectively. “My little ones. Mama is sorry she made you cry. She just feels sad.”
Selene and Solana both nuzzled her. “Sorry.”
Silver nuzzled them as they snuggled her. “Don’t be sorry. I love you.” All three of them fell asleep on the floor. Silver covered them protectively under her wing as she held them close with her hooves.
Paradox came home and stopped short when he glanced in the living room to see his three girls asleep on the floor. He smiled as he got on all fours went over to them and curled up around them. He gave Silver a small kiss and her eyes fluttered open.
“Doxy?” She whispered.
“You three are beautiful.” He whispered back to her. “Why are you on the floor?”
Silver looked at him without a word and he saw her eyes start to well up with tears.
He looked at her in concern. “Why are you crying?”
“Oh Doxy…” Silver sobbed softly. “I’m sorry.”
He felt hair on the back of his neck stand up. “For?”
“I was going to surprise you and tell you but…” she cried softly.
“Tell me what? Silver?” He asked with concern.
“I was pregnant again.” She whispered. “But… I lost the baby.” Tears ran down her cheeks slowly.
He sat up slowly. “Silver. Are you alright?” He asked as he looked at her. “Was it anything I did?”
She shook her head. “I’m alright. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. It wasn’t anything you did.” She moved her hooves around the foals tighter. “I think it was going to be a boy. I hope you’re not mad.”
He kissed her gently on her cheeks. “Why would I be mad? I love you.”
“I wanted to make you happy. I… wanted to surprise you… I’m so sorry.” She sighed and cried softly.
He curled up more around her and the girls as he nuzzled her mane. “I love you. Don’t be sorry, things happen for a reason. You told me that once.” He said softly.
Silver nodded. “I know, but I wanted another foal. I…” She paused as he kissed and nibbled her neck. “Doxy, I’m holding the twins.”
He nodded. “I know, can’t a draconequus kiss and snuggle his wife without her thinking about sex?” He asked as he snickered.
She gave a small giggle. “Hey, I’m addicted to you.”
“As I am of you.” He whispered. “Let’s get some dinner ready.” He slowly sat up and gave her a final kiss. “After dinner and the girls are asleep, we’ll work on a new addition to the family.”
She blushed as she got up, waking the twins who looked up sleepily at her. “Come on little ones, mama has to make dinner.”
Selene and Solana both stretched as they yawned. They both noticed their father at the same time, he was met by their smiles. “Dada!” They said in unison.
Paradox smiled as he hugged them. “Hello my beautiful girls. I love being surrounded by beautiful girls.” He pulled Silver into the hug. Silver blushed and hugged him back as the twins giggled.