Lilly sat up suddenly. “Zero!”
Zero sat up; he had gotten to bed late after the long meeting he, Lilly, and Discord had about giving Fluttershy a baby shower. “What? Are you in labor? Do we need to get to the hospital?”
Lilly shook her head as she looked at her husband, her eyes wide in fright. “The shadow it… We have to tell dad!” She blinked as tears started to fall from her eyes.
Zero got out of bed and looked around the room. “How do you know this?”
“Paradox told me.” Lilly said as she got out of bed. “Come on, it’s important that Dad knows.”
“Wait… Lilly.” He said but she was already opening the door to their room.
“Zero, we cannot wait forever.” She said… She clicked her tongue and appeared beside him. She grabbed his hoof and clicked her tongue again and they both appeared just outside Discord and Fluttershy’s room. The two guards stood there and looked at them in shock when they appeared.
One guard blinked and recovered from the shock quickly. “Halt.”
“I have to talk to my Dad! It’s important.” Lilly said to the guard.
“Lord Discord said that he and Lady Fluttershy wasn’t to be disturbed.”
Zero walked up to them. “Lord Discord had appointed me captain of the night guard. Stand down. Lilly has to see her father.”
“Sir!” Both guards said together when they recognized Zero and they saluted.
Lilly went up to the door and knocked loudly upon it. “Mom! Dad!”