Twilight held the water up to Celestia’s lips. “Please drink this Princess. It has healing properties.”
Celestia just stared into space like she always did but she drank the water slowly as Twilight tilted the glass to her.
Luna watched carefully as Twilight administered the water. “Tell me Twilight, where is the Spring of Eternity?”
Twilight looked at Luna smiling as she was about to say exactly where it was but she stopped. “It’s right on the… wait. He was right…” She blinked.
“Who was right?” Luna asked.
“Discord, he said I would not remember where the spring was…” she looked at Luna apologetically. “He was right… I don’t remember.”
Celestia blinked slowly and put up her hoof sweeping the glass of water onto the floor where it shattered. She moved slightly and shook her head she placed her hooves on the sides of her head. “No… NO! NO!” She started yelling.
Twilight and Luna were shocked by the sudden reaction by Celestia. The princess was suddenly more animated she had been in almost a year. Both of them advanced carefully to Celestia.
“Sister, are ye quite alright?” Luna asked as she approached her.
“Celestia, its ok…” Twilight said as she approached too. “It’s me, Twilight Sparkle and your Sister Luna.”
“NO!” Celestia screamed suddenly. “NO!” She stood up quickly and spread her wings out.
“We need to restrain her!” Luna yelled out. “She cannot be allowed to fly in her state.”
Twilight nodded as she used her magic to make Celestia’s wings fold back. “She’s strong!” She gasped.
“We know.” Luna said as she used her magic too. “She is still not healed. We thought the Spring of Eternity would help.”
“It sure gave her more energy.” Twilight huffed out.
Celestia was breathing hard as she stared at both Luna and Twilight. She was frowning with her head down and her breath came out as snorts through her nostrils. “No…” she said again as she slowly took a couple of steps and collapsed, falling asleep almost instantly.
“Perhaps we shall give her less of the water tomorrow? Maybe a little goes a long way?” Luna asked.
“I’m beginning to think I was tricked in giving Celestia the wrong water.” Twilight muttered as she frowned.
Luna glanced at Twilight. “Thou said that Discord drank the water in front of thou. How is that a trick?”
“I don’t know, but I have my suspicions. I think I will confront him about it.”
“Don’t be so quick to judge.” Luna stated. “Be sure thou has a valid argument before thou confronts.”
“But, Princess Luna… How can you let him rule in place of Celestia? Do you have any idea what he does during the day?”
“Yes, we do.” Luna frowned. “We have witnessed what Discord does during the day. He conducts matters of the kingdom during the day, he listens to the citizens and he does what needs done. What is he doing that makes thou disapprove?”
Twilight sat for a moment, unable to come up with a valid argument. “He’s planning something. That is all I have to say.”
Luna shook her head. “That is not a valid reason until he does something ye will have to endure until Celestia is well again.”