Lilly put her claw through her gryphon plumage and looked at the leader of the gryphon clan. They had come upon a gryphon clan on the outskirts of the gryphon kingdom. The clan that Zero and she came to was friendly and welcomed them. They were able to become friends with the leader quickly, because his eldest son was having a bit of a relationship problem. LillyRose was able to solve it easily, by just telling him to be himself.
“Are you sure that if we marry here, it will be binding everywhere?” She asked the leader. The leader was a gray gryphon with gray eyes. He had a scar on one cheek where he had fought for leadership of his clan years ago.
“Oh Yes, LillyRose.” He winked at her. “Even in the pony lands this marriage will be binding.”
Lilly blushed as she took in a deep breath. “Okay Bleak Claw, can we have the ceremony tomorrow?”
He laughed. “Of course. I guess that Zero would like to know this plan as well?”
She giggled. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“I’ll have my son tell him. You and my daughters shall stay in. He shall not see you until the day you and he exchange your vows.” Bleak Claw announced.
She blinked. “What? I didn’t know that…” Lilly started to fluff up her feathers.
“Don’t ruffle your feathers so. It will be fine daughter of chaos.” Bleak Claw winked to her. “I am glad you were honest with me, but as clan tradition… you shall not see your chosen mate until you say I do. We are going by gryphon clan tradition.”
“Why must I be blind folded?” Zero asked nervously. “These gryphon clan traditions are quite unusual.”
Bleak Claw’s son Falco laughed. “It’s okay; we all have to wear the blind fold when we marry. This represents that you are blind in soul before finding your mate for life.”
Zero tried to see beyond his blind fold, and really felt like it was a dumb idea. He also was afraid they’d dupe him into marrying the wrong girl. “I don’t know.”
“Don’t you worry Lilly has to wear a blind fold too.” Falco said. “Now come, grab my tail and follow me.”
He reached out with his claw and found the other gryphon’s tail and held on to it. ‘Weird being able to hold things.’ He caught himself thinking. Falco lead him through the clan village and the other gryphons watched, some clapped, some cheered and a couple made a loud scree noise.
“This is so odd.” Zero stated.
“Its tradition, I am hoping I shall have this traditional walk sometime soon.” Falco stated. “We have arrived. Good luck my friend.” Falco patted Zero on his flank and pushed him over to a spot.
“You look to be a little nervous?” Falco’s father said.
“I cannot see a thing. Of course I’m nervous.” Zero stated as he blinked under the blind fold.
“Ah, here is the bride.” Bleak Claw announced.
Zero’s ears perked up as he heard some pony crying and snuffling. It wasn’t Lilly, but some pony else. “So proud of her…” was all that Zero could hear.
“Let it be known that these two wish to be bound together with the sacrament of marriage. Two young ones, forever life mates.” Zero felt Bleak Claw grab his claw and place it into Lilly’s paw.
“LillyRose and Zero Clash, two lost souls, finding one another from within darkness. “Remove your blind folds and look upon your mate for life.”

They both took off their blind folds and Zero stared at her. She was blushing and staring back, she looked really beautiful as a gryphon.
“As you see your life mate and you have only eyes for one another, as I can see here. Then you are married.” Bleak Claw bowed. “Kiss one another and give your rings.”
They kissed; a long lingering one and Zero placed a ring on Lilly’s finger, she did the same. “I love you.” Zero said.
“I love you.” Lilly blushed.
“Good, now let’s celebrate!” Bleak Claw shouted.
The room erupted in cheering gryphons and carts of food and drink were brought in. There was a sudden appearance of a rather large female hippogryph that made Zero’s eyes widen in surprise. She had tears running down her face and she stood looking at Lilly and Zero. She stood on her hind legs and held herself the way Discord held himself.
Lilly looked at the hippogryph and blinked. “Aunt Misery?”
“Oh, I wasn’t wrong. I knew it…” She whispered. “Little Lilly having a mate, my little Lilly.” The hippogryph approached Lilly and smiled. “I heard you were searching for me?”
Lilly smiled as a tear started to run down her cheek. “Yes we were, but apparently you found us first. Dad was worried about you, he doesn’t say as much but I know how he is.”
“Is it true Lilly? Rumor has it that Dissy is the ruler of Equestria?”
Lilly nodded. “Yes. It’s not a rumor.”
She grinned showing she had sharp teeth. “That makes me so happy for him. Tell me more please. I know you and Zero just gotten married and such but I need to know more.” She looked at Zero.
“Aunt Misery, this is Zero. He was my guard in Canterlot. Now he isn’t”
Misery started to smile evilly. “Oh, Lilly you’re naughty I can tell. So… when is it due?”
Zero blinked in shock. “How did you know?”
Misery clapped. “Hee! I didn’t know, now I do.”
Lilly laughed. “Misery, you know how to manipulate men don’t you?”
“You just have to know what questions to ask.” she said with a wink.
Zero gave Misery a surprised look and frowned. “She “is” your father’s sister.” He mumbled to Lilly.
“So Lilly, when are you going to tell Dissy about your wedding?” She rubbed her claws together. “Can I tell him?”
Lilly shook her head. “No. Oh no. I don’t want him to kill my husband before we even consummate our marriage. Don’t Aunt Missy… please?”
“Spoil sport.” Misery pouted.
Zero looked absolutely terrified and was suddenly looking around the room as if he was waiting for Discord to appear out of thin air. “I rather not die at all.”
Misery grinned and got close to Zero. “Good, it is best not to die.” She licked her lips as she looked at Zero closer. She then stood up straight and looked at Lilly. “Oh I am so very envious of you!”
“What? Why?” Lilly asked.
“Your husband, he wants to be dominated. Lucky Lilly.” Misery grinned.
“I… do?” Zero asked in surprise.
Lilly was blushing deeply. “Missy, please. He doesn’t really.”
“I’m serious Lilly.” Misery suddenly leaned over to her niece and started to whisper in her ear.
Zero blinked at them and Lilly suddenly put her claw on her mouth and looked at him. “Oh Aunt, you’re funny.”
Misery winked at Lilly and then at Zero. “Okay, I can take hint. I’m going to go to Equestria in a few days. You and Zero please go and have fun on your honeymoon. I won’t tell Dissy about your wedding… yet.” She winked at them and slowly walked through the gathering of gryphons and up to Bleak Claw who she suddenly kissed. He grinned at her as she went by and followed her out of the room.
Lilly blinked when she noticed that her aunt left with Bleak Claw. “Oh. Ha… I see what is going on now.”
Zero huffed. “I sure wish I did.”
“I’ll explain later. I think we should be going soon.” Lilly smiled at her new husband. “I missed you last night and I’m feeling a bit…” She leaned over and whispered in his ear.
He smiled as he looked at her. “Let’s go…”